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I soon realised they left me...
"Aww fuck them leaving me that ain't even funny I don't even know my way backs as well"
I walked down the path not knowing where to go until I stumbled across a house,it was my old drug dealers house I quickly knocked on the door and waited for an answer
The door opens...
"How can I help yo-SCARLETT
"Ayeee Jayyy can u let me in" I asked
"Of course come in"I walked in and sat on the sofa
"So why u back down here then"
"My mates took me and then left me"I didn't say anything about my dad or mum
"All right them mates don't sounds like good mates to me love"He said smiling,he calls me live as a joke,I was about to stand up when my child hood best friend leo "ugh it's you"I said turning around "eww it's you"He said pushing my head "What brings you here then"he said passing me a blunt "my "mates"left me"I said lighting it "oh poor you anyways there's a part tonight at a persons house wanna go I think scar you have a few clothes still here"he said
"Alr when does the party start"I questioned "7 and its now 5:40 so get ready"

"How can I help yo-SCARLETT "Ayeee Jayyy can u let me in" I asked "Of course come in"I walked in and sat on the sofa"So why u back down here then""My mates took me and then left me"I didn't say anything about my dad or mum "All right them mates do...

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The dress you wore:😵‍💫😵‍💫

You make up and hair:🤩And some white converse,"I'm ready let's go eww you look ugly leo"I said walking out the door "Stfu you look like a bean"he said opening the car door,We got to the party I immediately saw maddy  and walked over to her "heyyy...

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You make up and hair:🤩
And some white converse,"I'm ready let's go eww you look ugly leo"I said walking out the door "Stfu you look like a bean"he said opening the car door,We got to the party I immediately saw maddy and walked over to her "heyyy bitchhhh" she said clearly drunk "hey girl wanna dance"I said pulling her we started dancing when Leo came over saying if we wanted anything ofc we said molly and he gave it to us we went to the bathroom and did it and came out We and shots everything that was there when "Ooo Scar look it's ash"She said pointing "I don't care about him atm"I said looking at him and turning back "woah what did he do"she said pulling me into a bedroom "well something happened right about drugs but we got put into a wardrobe and the bitch didn't even look at me and was pissed the whole time then fucking left me there I didn't even know where I was"I said pissed "damn he really fucked you over" she said "anyways wanna go back drinks some shots and then go back to yours "I said "fuck yessss"she pulled my arm

We was dancing when some random arms wrapped around my waist and started dancing with me "WHAT THE FUCK" I shouted ,it was a random man trying to hit on me I pushed him away and maddy slapped him and dragged me away
when he got punched to the floor I looked and it was ash "don't ever touch her again learn some respect you fucking perv"He began kicking him when I pulled him off
"Ash ash ashtray It's down Don't worry about him anymore okay let's just sit down"

" your so crazy"I said hitting his leg "ay anything for my ma"he said smiling "yeah yeah stay here I'm getting fez to talk u home your way more drunk than me"I said dribbling over to fez "hey can you take ash home me and madly might go to and he is fucked"I said holding onto his arm "yeah I'm pretty tired as well I'll give you and madly a lift as your well fucked and so is she so get in the car"he said stabilising me and getting ash "mAdDy u waNnA go fez is gIviNg us a lift"I said talking another shot "yEah let's gO"she said as we walked to the car...
I woke up in ashtrays bed and his arms wrapped round me sound asleep

Ashtrays POV
I was sitting on the sofa as scarlet had just left me there and she was now talking to fez I walked outside and saw gia...

She was wearing this,I walked over to her "hey cutie"I said flirty "Heyyyyy"she said joking "wanna play spin the bottle"I said grabbing her hand "sure me the get my friend"she said giggling The game started how spun

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She was wearing this,I walked over to her "hey cutie"I said flirty "Heyyyyy"she said joking "wanna play spin the bottle"I said grabbing her hand "sure me the get my friend"she said giggling The game started how spun...and what a surprise it landed on me She walked over to me kissed my lips *it was shit*and walked away I was about to spin when fez dragged my arm away and pushed me in the car "Shut your mouth your drunk I don't want to hear you drunk"He said then 2 girls got in the back and immediately passed out on each other's shoulders I soon after did the same until I got woken up by a big shove in the shoulder I was still a bit drunk but not too much "Oi bring scar inside I dropped maddy home already and Lexi came over " "ight" I said I gently put her on my shoulders and put her in my bed and asked Lexi to undress her as that's a bit weird yk Lexi asked if scar can wear my clothes and I said yk I gave her one of my shirts and a pair of shorts "your all done and dw it's not weird for me as I literally see other girls like that every day yk for pe"she said patting my back "sleep tight" she said walking towards the sofa I change into a shirt and some basketball shorts me got into bed....


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