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Scarlett's POV
Fez dropped me off at the gas station and I went inside and realised ash had forgotten that today it was his job to open up so I had to take over.I sat behind the desk drinking a Gatorade and some m&ms then 2 boys walked in *fuck this is not going to end well*They picked up some beers and went over to me to pay one of them said
"Hey cutie how are you today"he asked trying to flirt
"I'm fine and your total is $5.20" I said annoyed
They gave me the money and tried to touch my hand but I quickly moved away I watched them drive off as someone else walked into the shop I looked up to see ash..
"Finally remembered to work then huh"I said giving an annoyed tone
"Yeah sorry about that ma"he said not even meaning it,I stepped away from the desk and walked into the room behind the freezer and went on my phone.soon after like 6 minutes I fell asleep
I walked in late to the shop to the shop and I saw scar sitting there looking pissed as she was having to work my housrs she probs only came for a Gatorade or sum "sorry I'm late ma"I said not meaning it at all
"Yeah ok" she replied back,She walked into the room behind the freezer and I think went on her phone like 2 customers came in until Fez walked in taking over "ay ash there might be a few people coming down for some dugs so get ready"he said
"Ok will do"I said back,I walked into the room behind the freezer to see scar sleeping with her head resting on the wall and he legs layered out over the chairs I grabbed the Blanket from the back of my chair and put it on her.For some reason my hand had made it to her face and was now stroking it until her eyes flickered and I fell off my chair
"wtf why are you in the floor"she asked me
"I fell of my chair"I said to her
"Okay she sat up and out the blanket behind her head and went back on her phone.She almost catches me staring at her too *Wtf ash man why  are you doing this you don't like her right?*
I woke up to ash falling on the floor
"Why the fuck are you on the floor"I asked
"I fell of my chair"he answered
"Okay then"I replied with
"I thought you were working"I said
"Yeah I was until fez took over"he said
"Oh all right"I said softly
"I'm going to have a few people coming in so shut your mouth ma"he said sorting out drugs
"Ooo getting angry now ashy"I said sarcastically
"Don't say that fez is out there ma"he said pissed
I went on my phone for about 3 minutes until someone walked in asking for molly,
"Hey give me molly"the guy said looking at ash
Ash gave him the molly and turned around when he heard
"Hey it's you again the girl who was ignoring me in the car"The guy said to me
"what did you just say"ash said looking even more mad
"Shut your mouth kid I wasn't talking to you"The man said
Ash sat back and grabbed his cereal box and pulled something out as I have the man a death stare then looked at ash to see what he was doing,"Oi look at me when I'm talking to you"The Hank said now getting annoyed
"Don't speak to her like that"Ash said pulling out a gun
"Mate I didn't mean it I'm sorry"The man said now trembling
The man walked out and speed off in his car,Ash now had put his gun away and fez walked in
"What the fuck why was that guy running"He said to us
"We don't know"we both said,as we shrugged our shoulders and began giggling when fez walked out."I. Getting something to eat want anything?" Ash asked me
"Sure can I have a sandwich"I said
"Okay"He said walking out
Ash's POV
I grabbed a sandwich and some sour patch kids and a strawberry paper ,Scarlett was now sleeping how it was only like 2 minutes ,I placed the sandwich on the table and ate my sour patch kids while on my phone,*scar looks so cute sleeping with her mouth half open and her head resting on the wall*
"Ayo I'm going you need a lift"fez said
"Yeah I'll be 2 minutes"I said to him,I put the sandwich and the rest of the sour patch kids in my bag,I gently put the blanket round Scarlett's body and lifted her up,I walked to the car and put her down in the back,
"Did you lock up"fez asked me
"I couldn't I was holding scar"I said to fez
"All right I'll be back"fez said to me,I looked at scar sleeping she was so peaceful,Then fez came back
"Oh I forgot we need to pick rue up so there won't be enough room in the back"he told me
"Why is rue coming then where is she going to sit"I asked him
"In the back"he answered
"And what about scar"I questioned
"Yeah I'm she will have to sit in the front"he said
"What"I said is disbelief
"Anyways Rue here"he said avoiding what just happened
"Ma wake up"I said gently shaking her,She woke up
"rues getting in the back"I said
"But there's no more space-Fuck no nah fez I ain't doing that The fuck" she said giving him a death stare
"I'm sorry scar but you have to"he said 
"Ugh whatever"she said annoyed


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