The Red Panda

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This morning, I got up early to finish my robot for school. Not like I got much sleep anyways. Although I was still drowsy, I was wide awake with the scent of Aunt Ming's cooking. "Good morning, Edwin." She greeted. "Hey, Aunt Ming. Uncle Jin." I replied. "Wake up early for robotics again?" Uncle Jin asked. "Sure did." I explained. "I built a robot penguin." "What happened to the panda?" Uncle Jin asked. "You don't want to know." I replied. "Mei Mei, are you up? Breakfast is ready!" Aunt Ming called to my cousin, slapping Uncle Jin's hand away from the donuts. "Jin. No sugar." "Coming!" Mei yawned. I grabbed a donut and Uncle Jin's jaw dropped. "I'm young and I don't have diabetes." I said with my mouth full. "Deal with it." Out of nowhere, Mei screamed bloody murder from the bathroom. Aunt Ming gasped as Uncle Jin quickly grabbed a donut from the box. "Relax, Aunt Ming, she's probably going through puberty. Mei is 13 after all." I said. Aunt Ming goes to the bathroom door to check on Mei. "God." I groaned. "Mei Mei, is everything okay?" Aunt Ming asked. "Mei Mei, what's going on, honey? Are you sick? Is it a fever? A stomach ache? Chills? Constipation?" "No!" Mei cried. "Wait. Is it? That?" She asked. "Did the... Did the red peony bloom?" "No!" Mei shouted again. "Maybe?" "But it's too soon!" Aunt Ming gasped. "Don't worry, Mei Mei. I'll get everything you need. Mommy's here. Jin! Edwin! It's happening!" "Gross! Too much information, Ming!" I groaned as she searched for the various feminine products. After she joined Mei in the bathroom, I started to notice the smell of something burning. "Aunt Ming! Did you turn off the stove?" "My porridge!" She gasped, running to the kitchen. "Edwin, go get ready for school!"

Aunt Ming drove Mei and I to school this morning. But I noticed Mei wasn't acting like herself. Was she embarrassed about Devon from the Daisy Mart? "Why are you wearing a hat to school?" I asked. "None of your business." Mei mumbled. "Gross! When was the last time you showered?" I asked disgusted. "I know it feels strange, Mei Mei, but I promise, nobody will notice a thing." Aunt Ming said. "Thank you for your concern, Mother. But I'll be fine." Mei replied. "Well, here's your lunches." She explained. "And Mei Mei, I packed extra snacks for you. And herbal tea. For cramps. It helps relax your..." "Whoa!" I exclaimed. "I got it." Mei said, walking out of the car with me. "Thank you. Bye."

As I walked into school and over to my locker, I was approached by none other than Priya, one of Mei's friends. "Hey, Edwin." She greeted, startling me as I shut my locker door. "Sup?" "Priya. Hey. What's up, girl?" I asked. "Not much." Priya replied. "I need a second opinion. I'm debating on either werewolves or vampires for my next set of poems. What do you think?" "Hm, go with the vampires." I suggested. To be honest, I get along better with Mei's friends than I do with Mei herself. "Thanks, Edwin." Priya said. "Don't mention it." I replied, heading to class.

I got to math class and got a head start on some problems. All of a sudden, Mei quickly ran to her seat with Miriam not far behind. She took a long sip of herbal tea and put her head down. "I don't wanna know." I rolled my eyes. "What's with her?" A girl asked. "What's with your face?!" Miriam fired back. "What is with you? You're being weird." "I'm just really excited about math." Mei lied. "Alright, guys." The teacher said. "The quadratic formula." I began to jot down some notes on my paper to help study for our next test. All of a sudden, Mei gasped as she turned to the window, where Aunt Ming was hiding behind a tree. "What's Ming doing here?" I whispered. "No! No! This isn't happening!" Mei panicked as a security guard was trying to get Aunt Ming to leave. She kicks the security guard and tries to get Mei's attention. The whole class, including our teacher looked through the window to see what was happening. "Mei Mei! Tell him it's me!" Ming shouted. "Tell him it's Mommy!" Mei was breathing very heavily, feeling embarrassed about her mom. "Mei Mei! Tell him you forgot your pads!" Aunt Ming shouted as the entire class gasped. Mei screamed as the classroom was soon surrounded with pink smoke. Next thing I know, Mei was a giant red panda. Mei was freaking out about her transformation. "Oh my God." I gasped. As much as Mei and I can't stand each other, I need to do something. "Sir? I need some fresh air. May I step outside?" I asked. "Whatever." He replied as I ran after her in the hallway.

While in the hall, I ran into Aunt Ming. "Edwin!" Aunt Ming gasped. "Why aren't you in class?" "My class went from math to biochemistry." I replied sarcastically. "You get under Mei's skin more than I could and she becomes a red panda from pink smoke." Through an empty classroom window, Aunt Ming sees Mei running away. "There she is!" I shouted. "Mei Mei, stop!" Aunt Ming cried as Mei continued running. "Edwin, call your uncle and get in the car!" I dialed Uncle Jin on my phone. "Hey, Uncle Jin." I greeted, sounding scared. "Edwin? Is everything alright?" Uncle Jin asked. "Well, I'm in the car with Ming." I replied. "Let me talk to her." Uncle Jin said, just as Ming takes the phone from me. "Jin. Jin, get home now. There's been an emergency." Aunt Ming explains, listening to her husband. "No! Another one."

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