The Ritual

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It was the night of Mei's ritual. I was excited to leave with Mom tomorrow. Sure, I'd be an outcast at my new school, but at least I never have to deal with Mei. Spotlights of the 4-Town logo were seen in the sky, projected from the SkyDome as we were eating dinner within the temple. "What is that?" Mrs Wu asked. "I think it's coming from the SkyDome, Mother." Aunt Ming explained. "Four is the worst number." Mrs Wu scoffed. "You know, Vivian was due on the fourth, but I held her in until the fifth..." Lily said. "Quiet, Lily." Mrs Wu scolded. "Hurry up, everyone. It's almost time to start the ritual." "Nervous, Mei Mei?" Mr Gao asked. "A little." Mei replied. "Oh, well, I've got 50 years experience as a shaman." Mr Gao chuckled. "This will be a piece of cake. And mostly painless." "Thanks, Mr Gao." Mei sighed. "Wait! Mostly?" "Long ago, the spirits blessed the women of our family with a great challenge." Mrs Wu said. "Mei Mei, tonight is your turn. Like all the women around this table, you too will banish the beast within and finally become your true self. May Sun Yee guide you and keep you safe." "It's almost time." Mr Gao announced. "The red moon is about to begin!" "Mei Mei, go get ready." Aunt Ming said. Uncle Jin and I watched Mei walk away, feeling guilty. "Jin! Edwin! Help clear the table!" Mrs Wu snapped.

I helped Uncle Jin take care of the extra chairs and put them in the basement. As soon as we set down the chairs, I noticed my camcorder fell on the floor, playing the video we made while fundraising. I rolled my eyes. As I was about to erase the video, Uncle Jin stopped me. He couldn't help but chuckle after he was finished. "You and Mei have a lot in common, Edwin." Uncle Jin commented. "Had a lot in common." I corrected. "I thought this would finally be the time we'd get along. Aunt Ming doesn't see that." "Maybe you should try talking to Mei." Uncle Jin suggested, looking down at the camcorder. "May I share this with her if it's alright?" Uncle Jin asked. I nodded. "Come with me."

I followed Uncle Jin up to Mei's room as she was getting dressed for her ritual. I knocked on the door. "Edwin. Aren't you still mad at me?" Mei asked. "I don't think so." I replied. "Your dad and I found something in the basement you might want to see." Uncle Jin showed her the camcorder. "Here, I'll erase it." Mei said as Uncle Jin pulled it away. "What? We were just being stupid." Mei frowned. "The panda's dangerous, out of control." "You sound like your mother." Uncle Jin said. "What has she told you about her panda?" "Nothing. She won't talk about it." Mei sighed. "Uncle Jin, do you know what Aunt Ming's panda was like?" I asked. "It was quite destructive and big. She almost took out half the temple." Uncle Jin explained. "You saw it?" Mei asked. "Only once. She and your grandma had a terrible fight." Uncle Jin recalled. "Over what?" Mei asked as Uncle Jin pointed at himself. "You?!" I gasped. "Your grandma didn't approve of me, Mei." He explained. "But you should've seen your mom. She was incredible." "But I'm a monster." Mei whimpered. "People have all kinds of sides to them, Mei. And some sides are messy." Uncle Jin said. "The point isn't to push the bad stuff away, it's to make room for it, live with it. Mei, erase it if you want, but this side of you made me laugh." Mei took the camcorder and watched the video until Aunt Ming came in. "Mei Mei. It's time." Aunt Ming explained.

We joined the others behind Mr Gao and waited for him to start the ritual. "Just follow my directions and breathe." Mr Gao explained to Mei. "Now don't move from the circle. You understand? For as long as a red moon shines, the astral realm will be open. And this circle is the door. The aunties began playing some traditional instruments and started chanting in Cantonese. After a while, I began chanting with them. "What are they saying?" Mei asked. "The door will open only if we sing from our hearts." Mr Gao replied. "It doesn't matter what... I like Tony Bennett, but you're grandma, uh, she's from old school. Now, focus on their voices. Let them guide you. Oh, Sun Yee, revered ancestor, hear us now. Guide this girl through her inner storm. And return the red panda spirit from where it came!" After Mei was sent to the astral realm, we continued chanting as Mei was in a trance, almost like she was having a nightmare.  All of a sudden, the ritual failed once Mei released the panda. I coughed up a lot after inhaling a huge amount of pink smoke. "Mei Mei!" Aunt Ming gasped. "It's okay. We can do it again." Mei backed away and refused. "I'm keeping it." Mei explained. "What did she say?" Mrs Wu wondered in shock. "Keeping it?" Helen asked. "I'm keeping it!" Mei exclaimed. "Stop her!" Mrs Wu shouted. "Mei Mei!" Aunt Ming called out. "What has come over you?" Everyone tried to stop Mei from leaving the temple. Everyone except for me. Unlike the others, I knew what she really wanted deep down inside. She threw everyone down to the ground. "I'm going to the concert!" Mei snapped, escaping from the temple. "Mei Mei! No!" Aunt Ming shouted. Her mother and the aunties began scolding her for everything she did wrong. "Aunt Ming?" I asked. When I approached her, I could tell she was getting angry. Not only that, but her medallion that sealed her panda spirit had a crack on it. "Oh God." "Ming, it's okay." Uncle Jin reassured his wife. "Ming! Answer me!" Mrs Wu exclaimed. "How could she?" Aunt Ming grunted. "How could she do this? To her own mother!" That's when her medallion shattered, bonding her once again with the spirit of the red panda. "Ming?" Mrs Wu asked. "Mei Mei!" Aunt Ming shouted, transforming into her panda, which had to be 50 feet tall. But at the same time, I inhaled a lot more smoke. It honestly felt like I was trapped inside a burning house. Breathing in nothing but smoke, I violently coughed until I passed out.

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