The Fasthma attack.

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Wazowski couldn't prevent the tears from streaming down from his single eye "Why do want to breakup Freddy Fazbear He croaked out, his voice wavering as he tried to stop sobbing so be be could let out the question. "I just don't love you anymcore" Freddy responded coldly

"Am not good enough for you? Is it because I looked at your of Freddy Fazballs?!!! Freddy shook  his head. No, it's not that Wazowski looked up at Freddy and let out a whimper "then what is it?!"

Freddy snapped, I love
someone else, Gru!" Wazowski let out a gasp "How could you do this to me?!"
freddy softened was tone "he has two eyes, and he appreciates my Freddy Fazballs more than you..." Wazowski retaliated "But I look at them every day!"

"But that's not enough! " Freddy belted shaking, tears now streaming down his fazface, coinsidentaly dripping down onto his fazballs.

Gru burst through, grabbing Freddy by the fazballs "Look what you've done to his precious fazballs!"
he growled possesively. "These fazballs are mine!"
Wazowski  pathetically squecked "No! They should be mine you homewrecker!"
Gru let out a deep demonic sound "Don't you don't you understand?
Freddy loves me, not you!" Freddy began to cry harder, letting choking noises out, Gru and Wazowski, to their horror, realised something terrible was happening, Freddy was having a Freddy Assthma attack.

Gru and Wazowski looked for his inhaler frantically, Freddy struggled to let out "Its in my fazballs! Gru broke it when he squeezed them!"
Wazowski let out a shout of realisation "Theres another way!" They both looked at him expectedley, Freddy now choking on the floor.
"We can save him with the power of gay polyamory!"
Then Wazowski and Gru blushed and began to kiss eachother and Freddy. They lived happily ever after, Freddy never had another Freddy Fasthma attack again.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2022 ⏰

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Freddy fazbear x Gru x Mike Wazowski (enemies to lovers)Where stories live. Discover now