VII - Purple Suits You

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Y|n walked out of the classroom with her schoolbag over her shoulder.
She still felt a bit sad from those compliments Russia gave to America, but while she waited in line for her food, it's like the fact it was lunch made her forget about it. But all that worry returned as she carried her tray over to the table to Russia and America.
She sat down casually, and was about to start eating her sandwich she picked to eat first, when Russia stopped her.
-"Y|n?. . ."
He asked with worry. She put her hand with her sandwich down, and raised a brow at the two friends.
-"Is everything alright?“
America continued Russia's question.
-"Why would I not be?"
She gulped as she took a bite out of her meal to avoid the conversation for as long as she could.
-"You left so suddenely-"
America continued with worry as he looked away.
-"I left like every other normal person. . ."
She mumbled as she chewed her sandwich. Silence hung in the air as Y|n just looked down at the ground with a dull expression and chewed her food, when her friends we're just wondering what to say.
-"I just-"
Russia started, but stopped himself, cleared his throat and looked down with heat rising to his cheeks.
-"We are just worried for you."
He looked back up at Y|n.
-"And we just want to know you're alright-"

-"Why does it matter so much?!"
Y|n snapped unintentionally, interrupting America's sentence. She gulped and put her lunch on the tray again.
She looked down at her lap with a worried expression in total silence. The two countries waited for her actions, hen their worried faces turned into surprised and concerned.
Tears rolled down her cheeks and fell down on her laps she looked on. Russia immediately stood up and walked up to her on the other side of the table.
-"Y|n? Y|n!"
He put a hand on her shoulder soothingly.
America still sat on the same spot, wondering what he should do. He came to the conclusion that it's better he stayed there and continued doing nothing.
-"Y|n, look up at me. . ."
He mumbled worriedly and bent down, closer to her face to get a better look. Hesitantly, she took a deep breath and turned her head upwards towards his. A light smile appeared on his face as she finally responded. Even an action except for crying was more than enough to make him happy. Y|n blushed as she realised that because Russia bent over closer to her, and because she turned around, their faces were extremely close to each other. She quickly turned her head again so that she looked straight and whiped her tears with her sleeve. She stood up, and looked at her friends with a weak smile.
-"How about we just go to your dorm?. . ."

                  .       .       .
Y|n and the tall countryhuman Russia chatted while walking in the front, while America just walked behind them, occasionally talking too.
She giggled when Russia made another joke as he opened the door to his and America's dorm. USA closed the door behind them, and Ukraine walked in, hearing the chit chat of Russia and a girl she didn't want to think was there. But alas, it was her. Y|n. Y|n forced out a small smile when she saw Ukraine. She gulped.
-"Hey, Y|n. . ."
Ukraine broke the tense silence between the two.
She mumbled and waved a little. Russia, seeing how tense the atmosphere was getting, stepped into the conversation.
-"Let's go to the kitchen then?-"
A smile creeped on his face as he turned his head towards his friends and started walking towards the kitchen. He kept his gaze on Y|n and America as he walked into the kitchen section of the room, and once he turned around to look at the table, he saw Canada sipping maple syrup at the table. Once he gulped down the sip of the syrup, he smiled at Ukraine, russia and USA, and waved a little at
-"Me and Nada were just chatting here. "
Ukraine walked over to the seat beside Canada and sat down on it.
-"Welp, guess that's what we're gonna do then. "
America looked at his brother and Ukraine.
Russia sighed slightly, as he thought that Ukraine won't be in the kitchen. He didn't want it to be as awkward for Y|n like last time. Nevertheless, he made his way over to one of the seats as America was already smiling and starting a chat with his brother. Russia sat down beside Ukraine and
Y|n sat down beside him afterwards.
.        .        .
"Yikes, did he really? "
Y|n smirked as America's story came to an end.
"Hell yeah! Drunk guy at the bar, came up to me and started arguing with me. "
He proudly stated, adjusting his sunglasses.
"What happened then? "
Ukraine raised a brow. Russia just listened, as he was there with America and knew the story already.
"He was going to hit me, when he slipped on his own beer and broke his arm! "
America said, making everyone chuckle.
Y|n looked up at the digital clock on the wall.
"We should go now. Class gonna start soon. "
Y|n stood up from her seat, and Russia instantly followed her. America stood up a bit later, grunting before actually following them.
"Hey, wait up! "
He grumbled jokingly as America nearly shut the door behind himself.
The trio made their way to the lockers chatting and bringing up new themes to talk about. Y|n stopped talking and checked her phone for any new notifications before class when she won't have a chance to do so. She saw a text message from an unknown number. She raised her brows in an annoyed manner, thinking it's another scammer, yet she pressed on the message. And to her surprise, it wasn't a scam or anything like that.
She stopped walking, making America and Russia turn around.
"Y|n]? "
America asked, making her look away from her phone and up on Russia and himself.
"You good? "
He asked again, stepping closer.
"It's just this weird number- "
She tapped on the phone screen a few times and showed him the text message. Russia walked up too and bent over a bit, since he was too tall to just read it from his point of view.
"Stay away from my Russia?... "
America muttered the text message and backed away in confusion.
"Что блин?(What the hell?) "
Russia said out loud.
"Why would anyone send you this? We're just friends-"
He looked around to see if anyone's watching, in case he finds any person who might know about the text message. Y|n just shrugged.
"We gotta find out who's number is this."
America pointed out worriedly. Russia exhaled in a half annoyed manner.
"I am pretty popular, Meri. How are we going to find out?"
Silence hung in the air after Russia's statement as everyone were trying to think of how they can tract down this unknown number.
"Whatever.let's just think about it later. Don't wanna miss class now?"
Y|n continued the walk to the lockers.
.   .   .
Y|n thought as the bell rang, dismissing the class. It was finally time to go back to dorms. Not for Russia, America and Y|n though. No, no. Well, America said he'll tag along later, at least. Russia wanted to show Y|n some place he met secret from her up until now. He told Y|n earlier to go to the back of the school again. As she finally snapped out of her mind and thoughts she saw Russia give a small nod in her direction before leaving, reminding her to meet him after. She exhaled with a light smile and started packing up. Something about his gestures, his face and actions made her want to get to know him more than ever.
She packed her things and slumped the schoolbag over her shoulder in a swift manner. But something stopped her from leaving the classroom too far. When she looked back she realised it was a certain someone. She could hear the mockings of the other two behind Susan as she grabbed Y|n's shoulder. Y|n flinched to get Susan's hand off her. She stepped back and watched Susan.
"Did I not teach you a good enough lesson back then?"
She gritted her teeth angrily.
"What, the principal didn't make it clear that you shouldn't beat up students?"
Kayla mocked her and laughed.
Y|n exhaled in anger, but decided this wasn't the best time to argue. She just turned around and left, only for the trio to follow her.
"Hey, wait up!"
They laughed behind her.
Y|n couldn't take this anymore. She stopped in her tracks and turned around sharply.
"Listen, what do you want, for real?"
She snapped at her bully.
Y|n heard her giggle slightly.
"I just want you to stop hanging out with my Russia."
Susan narrowed her eyes.
Tense silence hung in the air.
"First off, when did he become yours?"
Y|n started quietly, her brows furrowing and her voice becoming louder as she spoke.
"Second, do you really think that because of such a low, worthless piece of shit saying some crap about her ex I will stop hanging out with my only ever true friend I've ever had?"
Susan stayed quiet for a second, with a thoughtful expression. She tilted her head to the ground with a sad expression.
"Listen, we can find a way to become friends, I promise. Let's just stop fighting and-"

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