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"Did you think I was some type joke?! Like you could play in my face and think I wouldn't find out, are you dumb!?!"

"Bae, please let me explain, you're acting crazy!"

"Suck my dick!" I yelled at him as I pushed him out of my apartment.

"....you don't have one." I heard him mutter as his steps faded more and more till I heard the slam of a car door and the screech of tires.

That was a week ago.

I sighed as I walked home from the grocery store with a bunch of bags in my hands, feeling the constant vibrations in my pocket. It had been non-stop, throughout the day, while I'm at work, until I turned my phone off.

I walked up the stairs and to my apartment 201 only to see a box of tissues infront of it. I gently set my bags down as I picked them up.

From 203

I looked to my right and saw boxes on the outside of the corner unit. Not many, but enough.

'Someone must be moving in, guess I should go greet them'

I found my keys and entered my apartment, putting on my slippers, and quickly put away all my groceries. I actually had bought a flower from the store while I was out but now that I'm thinking about it, with how often I work I won't have much time to take care of it. I took the planted flower and wrapped a red ribbon I found in a random drawer around it into a bow and made my way out the door.

I walked down the hall to see a little boy standing infront of the man from 202. I never really had any conversations with him but I knew he was a manga artist from hearing his bosses dry laughs an insults through the walls.

I walked past them as I made my way to the corner unit 203. I knocked on the door and waited for an answer. There was none. I whistled a little tone as I felt eyes stare at me.

I slowed it down and looked over slowly to see the kid and the man both looking at me. Their eyes made me sweat piercing yet dull at the same time. It's funny if I didn't know any better I would mistaken them as father and son.

I look around awkwardly and adjusted the flower in my grip as I walked towards them.

"Hi, sorry to bother you but do you know where the new resident is?" The dude kinda just stared at me while the boy turned more to me.

"Yes, that is I."

I blinked in shock. "Y-you're the new resident, alone?"

"Yes, now what is it you need?"

I cleared my throat and leaned down some handing him the flower, a simple yet beautiful tall standing daisy.

"I wanted to give this to you as a house warming present. It was kinda sudden so it doesn't have your name on it and well...I didn't know your name." I handed it to him as he held the pot with both arms.

"Thank you for the flower, my name is Kotaro. I hope you received my tissues as a sign of goodwill" He said.

"I'm Y/n, its nice to meet you and yes I set them up in my living room! When you're parents get home let them know I said thank you 'kay?" I told him with a smile as I sit back up.

"I shall be the only resident of the room next door. It has been a pleasure meeting you good sir, m'lady." He bowed the best he could with the flower pot and walked away to his unit closing the door.

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