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"Man am I beat.." I muttered as put food in my shopping basket. It was around 5 pm and I had just gotten off of work to do a little grocery shopping. Cause BAY-BEE, once this bra gets unclipped, I'm not coming back out.

"Lady Y/n you are here." I heard a little voice say and turned my head to see Kotaro and Karino, who was carrying a basket all bundled up.

"Heeyyy Kotaro, I actually just got off of work and needed some groceries. I see your doing some shopping of your own?"

"Indeed and since you are here please accompany us in my shopping journey." He said as he picked up his basket and continued walking. I looked at Karino who shrugged his shoulders.

About 10 mins into us (mostly me) helping Kotaro shop atleast 4 people have mistakened the 2 as father and son. On the 4th time Karino started acting funny, physically shaking and stuttering all over the place.

"What is wrong with you?" I whispered to him with a raised brow.

"H-hey Kotaro, how old are you?" He shook out.

"I am four years old." Kotaro said.

"R-right, so like....why did you move in next door to me?" He was shaking even harder if possible. Me an Kotaro stood there looking at him like he was an idiot till it finally clicked in my head as to what he was trying to get at.

"Oh ma gahd."I said in disbelief as I gave him a dirty look as he stood there stuck in his spot. I sucked my teeth and reached my hand out for Kotaro's basket.

"May I?" I asked. He nodded and passed me the basket. I walked over to Karino and pushed it into his stomach which he caught with a grunt.

"Here, make yourself useful and carry this! Shame on you, letting that baby carry that all by himself!" I said with a scoff and walked back to Kotaro who was looking at us.

"Don't worry you can carry the bag if you'd like but he gonna hold the basket." I said as he nodded. I held my hand out, hoping he would take it. He grabbed my pinkie just like he did the other night.

"I would like that very much, but why was Sir Karino acting so strange?"

"He...He's just a bit quirky hun." I put it as simply as possibly.

"I see. Well he has no reason to worry, he bears my father no resemblance in anyway."


It was silent on the way back home for a while. Only the sound of the wind blowing past us, till Kotaro spoke.

"Sir Karino you have been following me around since I have left my home. So unless you are a servant of some sort, it would seem to me as though you were treating me as a child." He finished as he adjusted the tied up bag in his arms.

"Well you did ask to hang out tonight." He said with a scoff.

"What are you guys doing tonight?" I asked.

"Tonight we'll be watching Tonosaman together." He said with the slightest hint of excitement.

"Aww, that's sweeet." I cooed. In my opinion Karino didn't seem like the fatherly type. Much too lazy, but I may be wrong.


We made it to infront of Karinos door and watched as he opened the door.

"Mi casa Su casa hehe." He chuckled as I threw an imaginary tomato at his dry joke. I was the first person to see the inside of his apartment and immediately shut his door.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2023 ⏰

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