We're over

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Piper POV

We're all done crying and hugging now where watching dhar Mann I may have lied I'm still crying a little and that's only because some dhar Mann videos are sad a scene came on with ayden and I start crying

Emily- what's wrong pipes

Piper- I miss the old squad

Sophie- with me you jentzen Jenna indi sawyer hayden Claire symonne and Connor

Piper- that group and symonne Connor indi ayden Claire and the rest

Emily- we used to be great we had so much fun together what happened

Piper- I guess we got caught up in the soulmates thing

Jenna- out of all the squads we had and im still the oldest one

We laugh that's what I love about my squad they never fail to cheer people up and make them laugh I smile

Sophie- what ya thinking about pipes

Piper- how you guys never fail to cheer people up especially you and Jenna with your craziness and your jokes I love you guys

Girls- awww we love you to

We hug each other

Jentzen- I want in on hugs

Jentzen comes over and joins in on the hug we laugh we hear someone knock on the door jentzen let's go of the hug get and gets up to answer it a few seconds later we heard screaming

We Run downstairs and see jentzen yelling at Lev then Lev got tired of him so he pushed jentzen to the ground jentzen got up and pushed him back Lev tackles jentzen and starts punching him


Sophie- LEV

Emily runs over to jentzen just as Lev was about to hit him again Sophie runs over to them just in time and Lev punches Sophie she collapsed on the ground


I go to run to Sophie when Lev grabbed my arm I try to get out of his grip

Piper- Lev stop your hurting me

Jenna- what's wrong with you Lev

Lev- O don't know

Jenna- first you try to rape your own GIRLFRIEND then you beat up YOUR SISTER boyfriend

Lev- I'm so sorry

Lev comes up to me I get scared but he just hugs me I push him off me

Lev- what's wrong babe

Piper- I'm not your babe

Lev-why not

Piper- because you almost raped me

Lev- I'm sorry if you can just give me another chance-

Piper- there is no more chances you've lost my trust

Lev- please piper I love you

Piper- clearly not enough

Lev-i love you and you love me back

Piper- no I don't we're over

Lev-you don't mean that

Piper- yeah I did I HATE YOU WERE OVER

No trust

Caption: 💔💔💔 why me?

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Caption: 💔💔💔 why me?

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