Chapter 1

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Where the hell am I? I was literally laying down on my bed getting ready to sleep. Damn, I just got transported to another world. Pinching myself I could feel the pain and I did not walk up. So, this isn't a dream.

Staring up into the sky, looking at the dark clouds raining down and I could feel the rain hitting my face. Huh....I do not remember going outside. Looking around to see where I am. Finding myself at grassy plains, I saw a Mountain with a huge hole in the middle as well as a large gap in the side. It was glowing with a purple hue. Seeing Infront of me was a Shrine or what could be considered a shrine, seeing a straw hat I go to pick it up only to realize that my hands got smaller. Looking at a puddle in the ground, I saw someone else. Purple-ish hair, purple eyes, and some red eyeliner. Looking down at my outfit, I was clothed in a- I'm lazy Imma put image.


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    ...Oh, right the rain... Seeing a straw hat on the railing, I grabbed it and put it on. It was a little bit small, but it worked. The hat had some holes in the front, and it was a little broken. Staring at the katana on my left hip. Walking out of the shrine and following the stone path, I was greeted by a girl wearing Miko clothing  (The traditional attire of a Miko is a pair of red hakama (緋袴) (divided, pleated trousers), a white kosode (a predecessor of the kimono), and some white or red hair ribbons. In Shinto, the color white symbolizes purity. The garment put over the kosode during Kagura dances is called a chihaya (千早). Staring at her, and simply walking past her not looking back. I never saw her disappear out of thin air waiting for someone... 

    I continued walking down the path to be found in an intersection. One leads upwards to the mountain. While the other lead down to a river. Well, I might as well go down to the river. The rain ends no longer hitting my straw hat. I look up to find a clear blue sky with the sun shining bright. Then, Walking right back down the path. Hearing armor, I heard a weapon being unsheathed and I felt bloodlust. Turning around I saw a man covered in red armor. Grabbing the hilt of my katana, I felt like I knew what my katana name was [Key of Castigation]. It glowed with a purple light; this made the samurai halt. However, it did not stop and continued to run. It swinged only to find the blade cut in half. Staring at the blade, it cut through metal with ease. Walking away from the man covered in red armor. The man disappeared with a golden light, killed without even feeling it. 

    Finally, reaching the river I spot multiple armored men, Although I had a hunch that they were not "men." Walking past them and reaching across the river, the armored "men" simply disappeared in a yellow light. Not even getting a chance to unsheathe their blade. Reaching the village, I walked up to one of the locals who happened to be an old lady. 

"Um...Excuse me." ...This is my first time talking in this body. She seemed shocked from how I sounded like. Did I look scary? Dismissing the thought, I wait for a response.

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