Ch1:New Life

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  I sat in my ship drinking whiskey mourning the death of my late teacher had been 2 years since his death but I still feel as if I should have died as well. I held a shard of Cayde-6's ghost in my hand and a shard of the traveler in the other that I stole from the vanguard. I knew Cayde would hate the fact that I did this. I hated myself for this as a matter of fact. But I felt as if I had to do this. I took my broken ghost and got to work on a workbench in my ship. Hours passed but I managed to perfectly make a ghost shell. All it needed now was the travelers light. I placed the shard inside it's core and it spun to life and it's "eye" glowed

Ghost:"guardian? Where are we?" It's voice is different from my old ghost

Y/n:"I don't consider myself a guardian anymore. Just a rogue lightbearer" I took another shot of whisky

Ghost:"oh! I can tell you had a ghost before me" he looked at caydes ghost shard hanging from my neck

Y/n:"this isn't my old ghost it's the ghost of a fallen ally" I held the shard in between my fingers

Ghost:"my condolences hunter. If that is what I should call you"

Y/n:"y/n is fine" I put the whiskey away and sat on my chair

Ghost:" I see nessus over there what are we doing here"

Y/n:"I felt like fighting something" I told him gripping the last words' handle.

Ghost:"well now that I'm here you don't have to worry about primary ammo. Special ammo and heavy however..."

Y/n:"it's fine. The half truth and the other half work fine without heavy ammo. And I don't use special ammo weapons often"

Ghost:"well that solves that. So what now?"

Y/n:"I would go see the drifter but he's already taught me all he knows about the darkness"

Ghost:"how about flying to a new planet? Finding a whole new area?"

Y/n:"...yeah! Let's!" I hopped into the cockpit and just started flying into one direction

Ghost:"fuel at max we can fly for a long time y/n" he informed me

Y/n:"perfect" i put the ship at max speed and just flew into the void.

Ghost:" do I exist?"

Y/n:"typically a guardian has only one ghost ever. But I figured out the secret to ghosts. I can repair you if you're ever out of service or if you loose a part. Only thing I can't is if your light source goes out"

Ghost:"how long have you been without a ghost?"

Y/n:"2 years. I...used the darkness to power myself. I didn't need it but it helped get missions done faster. Ikora was on to me so I had to leave the tower and go into hiding. I can't look her in the face...I can't look any guardian in the eye and say I'm truly one of them anymore" I lowered my head slightly

Ghost:"I'm sorry y/n. But why resort to the darkness?"

Y/n:"hatred. I hated the scorn for taking my master and friend from me. So I fell for the darkness' alur. I took it's power and slew thousands of scorn. Not only those. Vex, fallen, taken, hive,cabal. None were spared if they were hostile"

Ghost:"oh..." He said followed by a beep

  4 days of silence ensued. I figured I should get all my secrets out of the way with my ghost. Don't want a relationship built on lies. Sadly it's gonna be rough for it to 100 percent trust me but we're bound now. Nothing much else to do.

Ghost:"y/n! Scanners are picking up life! Human life!" Breaking the long silence

Y/n:"what!? Where" I burst up from my bed and went into the cockpit disengaging autopilot

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