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Tom's POV

No one in this school knows where Charlotte lives, hell most of them don't even know who she is. If they did know her they referred to her as 'the hot druggie' which made me angry a few too many times.

Ending up with me getting sent to the principles office.

"Punching other students on school grounds is completely unacceptable Mr.Holland."

"Sir I-"

"Shut your mouth! I've called your father, he's on his way to get you."

Fucking snitch.

I scoffed and sat back in the uncomfortable chair, waiting silently for my father. Soon enough he arrived, spoke to Mr.fuckwad and then told me we could leave.

We walked in silence until we got to the parking lot.

"Why'd you do it?" He asked.

"They were saying things that they shouldn't have." I grumbled.

My father nods slowly, "I don't want to get called down here again. Next time at least think it through."

I clenched my fists, "I didn't need to think I-"

He stopped walking immediately, "Calm down son."

I took a deep breath and looked around, trying to distract myself. My eyes fell on the rows of trees that were lined up in front of the school.

"Can I go see someone before we leave?" He sighs before nodding.


"Thank you." I wrapped my arms around my father and gave him a tight squeeze before rushing off to find Charlotte.

Staring at the trees gave me an idea of where she would be so I headed back into the building, just to go straight back outside again. I rushed over to the large tree that we sat under the day that we met.

"I'm sorry." I blurt as I catch my breath, taking a seat on the grass.

She stayed quiet for a while which made me a bit worried but eventually she spoke.

"I don't do apologies but um thank you."

My eyes rolled subconsciously, why am I not surprised?

"I will say this though.. one of the reasons that I don't want to be friends with you is because I don't want to have to bother you, not because I hate you."

"What are the other reasons?"

She went silent for a moment, "I can't tell you that."

"Well on another note I punched multiple people today."

I heard shuffling from the opposite side of the tree before Charlotte's gorgeous face was in front of mine, a look of disbelief plastered across her face.

"What!" She exclaimed.

I let out a weak laugh, "I was asking some kids about you and some of them said things that I didn't like very much."

I showed her my knuckles. She kneeled down and poked my hand without warning, causing me to groan slowly.

"That's badass." Charlotte mutters with a smile.

I shrugged as a small smile made its way to my lips, "I guess."

"Does it hurt?"

I shook my head, "Not anymore."

Her head tilted to the side as she spoke, "You didn't get suspended?"

"Nope he told my dad that I'm getting a second chance."

Charlotte rolled her eyes, "Of course he did. That man is literal shit."

I nod, "Well I've gotta go my dad's waiting for me."

I stood up and watched Charlotte as she did the same, "This hell hole is boring as fuck I'm leaving to."

I shook my head playfully, "Agreed, see you tomorrow?"

She shrugs, "See you soon lover boy!"

Word count: 577

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