Loveger (random)

3 0 0

 Love: "My darling~ can I-." 😙

Anger: "N-NO!" blush as red as a tomato (😳)

Love: "Have your Bake chocolate pie." (-v-) 😅😏

Anger: "Uhh- Oh-! uhhh- SURE!" *That was Embarrassing as h3ll*😳/😓

Love: "pfft darling your really a tomato." 😏 

Anger: "S.H.U.T.  T.H.E.  F.U.N.K.  U.P.  D.U.M.P.L.I.N.G."

Love: "Awww do I taste delicious when I kiss you?"

Anger: " N-.'' "Hmm!?"

[Zia aka Love kiss her dear Darling/Anger/Alex sweetly they both fight for uhh dominants(?)

Zia won they did this for a fruity 10-12 mins :D  lol so back to he story]

Anger: "What the f- f.'' mumbles uncontrollably still blushing red as a tomato

Sad and Happy: * What happend here :D?????" 

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