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[Sunday Sleepover•]

Anger/Alex POV:

( 5:30 A.M )


(Yo! It's been a while or more than a while, I'm here with loveger I forgot that I have a wattpad story sorry 😅 now you can read my cringy story)

It was A beautiful sunday, the silent was peaceful I was drinking some hot cocoa and sitting under a old tree that Zia's grandpa left for her, it was a old sakura tree cause they believe it was good luck and a symbol of they're god Sakura god of love, it's really a beautiful tree in our backyard
And then I closed my eyes for a bit

[10:45 A.M]

I woke up and look at the time
Oh shoot I sleep really long

Zia:"Hey~ WAKE UP!"

I yelp


I was mad

Zia: "Yeah yeah sorry my choco pie~" she said calming me down and I sigh

I kissed her on the cheeks then we made some lunch cause today those two are coming for a sleep over I didn't mind at all cause I got nothing else to do, It would be nice to have company here.

(How about me?😢
Alex: Shut up 🙂
Zia: Ok....💀)

[1 hour later]

We already finished the lunch they should be here any minute now...

*Ding dong 20x*

*Sigh* here they are I open the door.

Alex: "Sunny! How many times do I have to tell you stop ringing my door bell 20 times!?"

"Sorry the sound is really cool and cute. X3"

Alex: ".... Really, really? *Sigh...* Ok just get in we will be stuck here if I argued more."

Shane: "H-hi Alex."

Alex: "Oh hi Shane wazzup and how your pet shop?"

Shane: "O-o-oh the p-pet shop is fine, and I-I umm brought some sushi!"

Alex: "Oh cool and you don't need to stutter we all been friends for 11 years and you are safe here I promise."

Shane: "Oh uhh thank y-you I just c-couldn't control it really."

We all come into the living room we talk and be stupid children then lunch was great we play truth and dare

Sunny: "Ok truth or dare Alex"

Alex: "Uh sure how about, truth?"

Sunny: What's something you're glad your mum doesn't know about you?

Alex: Uhhh...😶

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2022 ⏰

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