Chapter Four

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Shaking her head in disappointment, Lina again administered another round of electricity into Devorah's helpless body. Gripping into the leather chair, Devorah screamed out a gut-wrenching cry with her eyes glued shut and attempted to divert the pain to her fingernails digging into the chair that she was bound to. A random memory began flashing in her mind the longer the electricity travelled through her. "If something ever happens to me, you need to find your way to the South Kingdom and look for a man by the name of King Draven. He will offer protection for you if you explain to him who you are," Victoria explained, gripping Devorah's shoulders. Her advice played in her head like a broken record, as it continued to repeat itself. Opening her eyes once the pain subsided, the sweat pouring from her face dripped onto her shirt.

"I can do this all-day Devorah, it's no sweat off my back. Unfortunately, the same doesn't go for you." Lina laughed, clearly noticing the sweat from Devorah as she made the statement.

"I'm," Devorah began, attempting to catch her breath from the amount of energy she used by having a death grip on her chair. "I'm not giving in to what you want," she quickly got the words out before taking a few more deep breaths from being exhausted. "You deserve to be in the ground rotting."

"You mean the same place your parents and Victoria are?" Lina had an evil smile playing on her lips as she asked the question.

Devorah's nostrils immediately began flaring and her eyes shifted to their alternating colors, her breathing normalizing. "When I get out of this place, and I will," she explained, "I promise I will make you regret every unexplainable act that you have committed against me, my parents, Victoria, and any others you have done wrong. You are going to wish you killed me when you had the chance," she warned. Devorah knew the odds were extremely against her, but she had a gut feeling that she would somehow find a way to get out of this forsaken place.

"I guess it's a good thing you aren't making it out of these kingdom walls then, so I don't have to worry about that. Now, until you agree to help me, you aren't getting out of that chair. This isn't a discussion up for debate." Lina continued to keep her fingers on Devorah's temples. Instead of asking questions any further, Lina decided to continue her shock therapy into getting Devorah to willingly help her. Unfortunately for her, Devorah somehow survived the amount of electricity forced into her body and would not give in to any demands. Growing impatient from the stubbornness, Lina looked between Dave and Devorah. "David, may I please have a word with you for a moment?"

"It's Dave. You know I don't like to be called David," he annoyingly replied, giving a stern look to Lina.

"Oh, you'll be fine sweetheart. I just like to give you a hard time," she replied, a flirtatious look on her face.

Dave and Lina both stole a glance at Devorah as the two left the room. As soon as the door came to a close, she began frantically observing the room, looking for any way of escaping. Her eyes landed on what she assumed was a small window in the back that was hidden from her line of vision where Lina had previously sat in front of her. She noticed that it had a black curtain covering it. Her heart began hammering in her chest as she desperately wished she could get out of the restraints.

Out in the hallway, Lina guided Dave to move further from the door as she didn't want Devorah to hear any part of her plan. "I think I'm going to need your assistance. I really didn't expect her to be able to withstand that amount of electricity in her body, especially having those restraints on that take away all of her abilities. We're going to have to go with my backup plan."

Giving a perplexed look, he stared into Lina's eyes as they shined. "What might that be?"

A glint of evil sparkled in her green and yellow eyes. "Oh, you know. It's a little thing I like to call dismemberment."

Now completely confused, Dave continued to stare at Lina, surprisingly in disbelief. "You're going to rip body parts off of her and expect her to willingly want to help you?"

A look is disappointment washed over Lina's face as she contemplated her response to his question. "You're being no fun David. I was hoping you would participate in my plan with me." She began pouting at him for the lack of excitement he was showing.

"You can do what you want Lina, I'm just trying to be logical here. Why don't you do this instead? Why don't you give her false hope? Make her believe that you can somehow bring her parents and Victoria back to life using black magic. I know you're very familiar with using it."

"What makes you believe I know how to use black magic?" She winked to him as she asked her question.

"Considering you're a descendant of one of the witch members of Reapers Demise, I would say it's a pretty smart guess."

Tilting her head slightly with a small smile lingering on her lips, she stared into his eyes. "I would say that you're correct." As she and Dave made their way back into the room, Lina kept her eyes on Devorah as she returned to her chair in front of her. "Have you put anymore thought into helping me create an army?"

Tearing her eyes away from the potential window in the back, Devorah looked to Lina so she wouldn't catch on to what she was eyeing. "No," she replied in a blunt tone.

Letting out a sigh, Lina gently placed her hands on Devorah's knees. "I realize I may be coming off a little too strong, but you see, my friend David here has helped me notice that I need a different approach. With that being said, I have a proposition for you. If you decide to find it in that kind heart of yours to help me and offer me protection," -stealing a quick glance at Dave- "then I will use black magic to bring your parents and Victoria back from the dead."

Devorah's eyes shifted back to their normal radiant blue as she searched Lina's eyes and facial expression for any sign of her lying. She contemplated the proposition that she was given even though her mind was screaming for her to avoid accepting any offers from this witch. However, her heart was begging for her to accept as it felt like it would be the only solution to glue the pieces back together. Taking a deep breath in and out, Devorah looked to David first, and then back to Lina. "I will help you create the army you desire."

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