Chapter Eight

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Hearing the door click open slowly, Devorah sat upright and began blinking a few times, attempting to focus on the person making their way into her room. The light in her room came to life as Sarah turned back towards her with a silver platter in her hands. Seeing Devorah sitting upright caused Sarah to gasp from fright as her body jerked, the platter falling to the ground with a loud shattering noise filling the room.

Devorah made her way over to help Sarah after she attempted to pick up a knife that skid across the ground. It sliced the thin skin on her hand when the two vampire guards bolted into the room, eyes darting around to identify what caused the noise. Both men went into predatory mode as they saw Devorah too close to Sarah, who had blood running down her arm. One of the men rushed Devorah, slamming her into the solid wall behind her, knocking the wind completely out of her. The other vampire guard examined Sarah's body, spotting the cut she sustained on her hand. Devorah coughed roughly as the pain coursed in her lungs, traveling up her spine.

The vampire handling Devorah had his forearm digging into her neck as he used his body weight to keep her glued to the wall. He glanced at his guard partner behind him. "Fetch Lina and David, Ferdinand. Now!" He shouted.

"I'm on it Magnus." Ferdinand used his speed to exit the room, leaving Sarah frozen in place with a cloth to apply pressure to her wound.

Magnus returned his darkened gaze to Devorah. "If you ever think about getting that close to her again, you'll wish you were dead. She is property of Lina and David, not you," he warned, leaning closer to her face. She could see the stubble of a beard forming, and his fangs began emerging.

Before Devorah could protest his warning, Lina and David emerged in the doorway, concern riddling their faces. "What the hell is going on here?" Lina questioned, her eyes darting between Devorah and Magnus, and then back to Sarah.

"You might want to teach your pet about her boundaries with Sarah," Magnus called out, not letting any tension off of Devorah's neck. She gripped onto his forearm, attempting to lift some of the weight off of her. Her lungs screaming for adequate air.

"I didn't touch her," Devorah pleaded in extreme pain.

"Sarah, what happened?" David turned his attention to her, diregarding the statement from Devorah.

Sarah continued to stand frozen, some color draining from her face. Her voice was low, close to a whisper. "I came in to deliver food when I dropped the platter."

"Why did you drop the platter?" Lina asked.

"I didn't expect for Devorah to be awake and sitting up straight looking at me when I turned her light on, so it startled me and I dropped it. I went to pick up that knife when it cut into my skin." She used her undamaged hand to point at the knife on the floor.

Lina snapped her neck in the direction towards Magnus and Devorah but directed her question strictly to Sarah. "So, Devorah did not lay a hand on you causing that cut on your hand?"

Sarah winced at the pain from the cut as she tightened her grip on the cloth. "No ma'am."

"If that is the case, then I suggest you take your arm off of her neck. Unless you want to deal with the consequences," Lina warned Magnus from behind him.

A hint of hesitation lingered in Magnus's eyes as he stared at Devorah, but reluctantley peeled his body weight off of her. Placing her hands on her knees, Devorah breathed in heavy bursts of air, her lungs thanking her in the process. Ferdinand stood in the doorway behind Lina and David with a look of fear in his eyes that him and Magnus both assumed Devorah attacked Sarah.

"Gentlemen, may I have a word with you?" Lina looked between Ferdinand and Magnus.

The three of them left the room as David crossed his arms as he kept his gaze on Sarah. "Are you sure Devorah didn't lay a hand on you? You will not be in trouble if you tell us the truth."

Straightening her posture, Devorah stared into David's eyes. "I said I didn't touch her," she repeated.

His eyes darkened, and his jaw clenched as he looked away from Sarah and made eye contact with Devorah. "I don't believe I was talking to you, and just because Lina needs you for her army she's creating, doesn't mean that-"

Lina abruptly opened the door once more, but the two guards were nowhere I sight. "Doesn't mean what?" she questioned, giving Dave a perplexed look.

Dave turned his attention to Lina before speaking. "Nothing. Sarah, let's go," he instructed.

Quickly moving out of the room, Devorah was left with only Lina standing in front of the door. She knew deep down that she was nowhere near her full potential of strength yet, so it would be a death trap.

"Are you alright?" Lina asked, eyeing Devorah's neck.

"I'm fine," Devorah responded, aggravated by the whole situation. It baffled her that the guards automatically assumed she attacked Sarah. If anything, Sarah was the last one she wanted to bring harm to.

"I'm sorry that you were attacked like that. I have made it crystal clear to the guards that they need to assess the situation in detail, rather than jumping to conclusions." Lina balled her fists, white spreading on her knuckles. "Anyways, we have a long training day ahead of us, so I will have more breakfast prepared for you, and then we will begin!" Lina grinned, switching moods from aggravated to cheerful as fast as a light would come on.

Devorah nodded her head slowly, unsure if she trusted how fast Lina's mood flipped. It gave her an uneasy feeling that resided in the pit of her stomach. Devorah hoped that today would be a better day of training as she felt a little stronger. However, she had the slightest clue about what type of training would take place today.

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