Chapter 20 : The Family Meeting

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(S/M) & (S/D) = Syo's mom&Dad
(N/M) & (N/D) = Natsuki' mom&Dad
(M/M) & (M/D) = Masato's Mom&Dad
Mai= Masato's little Sister
(R/M) & (R/S) = Ranmaru's mom&Sis
(Rj/M)&(Rj/Bs)&(Rj/Ss)= Reiji's mom & Big sis & Small sis
(T/M) & (T/D)= Tokiya's Mom&Dad
Seiichiro= Ren's big brother
(Y/M) & (Y/D) = Yamato's mom&Dad
(Sh/M) & (Sh/D) = Shion's Mom&Dad
(V/M) & (V/D) = Van's Mom& Dad
(K/M) & (K/D) = Kira's Mom & Dad
(Ng/M) & (Ng/D) = Nagi's mom&Dad

It was the day.... The day that Haruka will meet the idols family and it's the first time from a while to them to meet there own families , And to them to meet Haruka's only family her dear grandma.

"It's happening"  The red head composer was talking to herself as She walks away from her room into the main Room of the agency , She is gonna meet them anytime soon

"Ohayo" Haruka greeted whatever who is in the room "Ohayo" they greeted her back, she smiled and Went to the kitchen to help " Sooooo" Ren started she looked at him giggling "Sooooo?" She Responded back to him in the same way  "Hahah so why my lady looks nervous up in the morning"

" nothing it's just... it's my first time meeting your families especially its in a situation like that.." She said shy and worried but they laughed a little " But isn't it exciting we are gonna meet our families from a while and each other's families for the first time " Natsuki said exciting while he was still making the salad  " I think so"  Reiji commented

" What's good about that?" " Nah I disagree what's exciting about meeting you own family" " Especially if you just don't want to see them" Masato,Ren,Kira Said one after another everyone looked them in weird way  " O OI you guys even if there is Problems with your family Blood won't turn into water or whatcha think" Syo said try to change there opinions " Y Yeah beside there is no perfect family, right? There should be ups and downs" Eiji Continued

Haruka looks at them worried but then " Mou~ Mina San Come on cheer up because if you didn't I'm gonna die of hunger" she tried to cheer up the mood and she did successfully they all laughed together and had breakfast

*~TIME SKIP TO 2:00PM ~*

Its the time that the idols Family had came and Haruka told to the idols to have there own time first with there families then she can talk with them Of course as first time meeting the girl that stole there sons heart that was a good start Haruka then went to the other side who was sitting alone ( Otoya, Camus, Ai , Cecil, Eiji , Eichi) 

" Cecil San, your parents didn't come?" Haruka asked The prince " No the king never cared anyways and beside How can a king come" He said disappointed Otoya patted his shoulder "It's okay we all are here" Cecil chuckled "yeah you guys are actually better" they laughed  Then Haruka's grandma came to join them and all seven of them enjoyed being with Haruka's grandma She treated them like her sons even Ai,Camus and Eichi couldn't help but to enjoy as well

Syo's and Natsuki's family are already friends so they kept chatting with each other for a while then to there sons " She looks like a really good girl" (S/D) Said "She really is Uncle And when you know her more you will like her so much" Natsuki response to Syo's dad  "I liked how she have manners and respectful that's Great" Syo's mom commented "And she is Sooo cute and Beautiful also have a good, fit and nice shape she is pretty hehe" Natsuki's mom said and they nod " I hope her beauty doesn't effect your heart so much" Kaoru teased his Big bro that made him have a tint of pink on his cheeks " O OI stop it.."

"What's the matter Ren Since I came and you didn't pay attention to me" Ren looked at his older brother "What do you exactly expect me to do to you You are the one who just talked about work when you came" Ren Told his brother in one go not bothered to even turn to him since Ren is Standing in front of the window Seiichiro Sighs knowing it's not gonna be a smooth meeting "Also.." Seiichiro looked at him "Don't try to be Close to my lady" He Said looked at him sternly "Ren..." He was Shocked from his little brother words " Ren Of course I won't Do something like that to a young girl especially if she is My Little brother soon to be wife... Why do you see me always in bad ways?" Ren still looks at him then Sighs "I just said What I wanted to say" he then gave him his back again

"ONII Chan" Mai Shouted jumping on her dear big brother hugging him tightly "I missed you Onii chan" Mai Continue " Onii chan missed you too,Mai" Masato Responded to his dear Little Sis " Where is my sister in law, Onii chan?" Mai asked "Mai" A stern voice Made them both look up to meet with two Stern Eyes as well  " We still don't Know if she will your Sister in law or not" Masato's Dad Said harshly That made Masato Kinda nervous  ' Why am I nervous again didn't I cleared everything already?' Masato thought "Hey (M/D) Don't Say that she looks like a very nice girl and she is beautiful as well" (M/M) said to her husband Making Masato Feel at peace to see his mom likes his fiancée already " We don't know yet" " Dad She is the perfect one for me you just don't know for how many years and how Long I have been waiting for this moment and to her to finally say yes to me Even If I have to share her is a pleasure and an honor to me, she is the reason I'm here now" Masato talked his heart out
" Onii Chan You are so ROMANTIC" Mai Fangirling over her Brother's word

" I really missed you Onii chan" (R/S) Said as she hugged her big brother and he can't help but to hug her back he missed her after all " How are you doing sand how is your study going?" He asked his Little sis like a good brother he is "It's great" "If it wasn't for you my Son we wouldn't have been in a stable house and Good health" (R/M) Said to her Son " Don't mention it Mom it's my duty and beside I have got my reward " His mom smiled at him and patted his Shoulder " Really? how?" She asked him teasing since she knows his answer "I have got someone like Haruka to be my life partner Nothing is better than that Thanks for her" He smiled while thinking about her " Mou I wish I can have a boyfriend Like you Onii Chan" his sister pouted "Nah I won't allow that" "Weei!? mom look what your son is saying While he is being in love he wants Me to stay single!!?" "Omai shut up" Ranmaru said getting to his Usual self while there mom is giggling seeing them

" I missed you My Girls" Reiji Said while hugging his two sister " We missed you too Reiji/Onii Chan" both Sis said  "Hurry Guys I wanna meet my Daughter in law already and talk with her" They laughed and settled down " She said That she wants Us to be with our family first for some time then she will come" "Awww She is so Sweet" "Yeah she really is" "I'm glad you all like her"

(I'm sorry Guys I Don't know what to write actually about heavens Since I don't how was there families but it just went smoothly I guess hehe *Sweat drop*)

And that's how the day passed and after sometimes everyone settled together and started talking It wasn't as Awkward as Haruka it will be like them asking her questions all the time but instead they talked generally and she felt really happy as if she is with all of her family

Time Skip at night

Haruka was getting ready for bed after the exhausted day and when she layed down on bed she was smiling Remember the day feeling happy that it went good well not for some but at least it went with no Sadness or regret She then closes her eyes and drifting into her dream land


Hey Mina San!! OMG I MISSED YOU ALL SO MUCH Please forgive your Author I just had A Writer Block But today I was Sad actually So I just wrote it to Not focus on the sadness And If you guys enjoyed it I will be even better and I hope it makes you laugh and happy hehe😂❤️
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See you Next chapter

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