Chapter 9: preparing

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I wake up at 7:00am and stretched my hand in the air and got up, I made My bed and opened the window and take a breath. i went to the bathroom to take a shower and then brush my teeth and then went out after 30 minutes and I wears a light blue shirt with white collar and Dark blue Skirt with light pink belly belt and a light black almost brown long socks that cover all my legs with light blue heels and a bracelet in my left hand (Her outfit in maiji love Revolution episode 6 Its my favorite outfit to her actually❤) and smiled to myself in the mirror before going out to have breakfast with others before I start my work. I went down stairs to the dining room but when I entered the dining room there was no one and there is no way they went to work already and without eating but I found something on the table I walked for it and found it was a very delicious and fancy breakfast and there was a note its says 'Nanami! Sorry for not being able to eat breakfast and spend thee morning with you we got somethings to do but we made that breakfast for you I hope you like it from you dears bands STARISH, QURTET NIGHT AND HEAVENS' I smiled happily that they cared about me and having some Amazing friends like them..Wait friends? i blushed remembering what Tomo chan and Kaname San said about them loves me But I said I won't take it seriously because I'm not sure yet and now they are just my friends , the blush stayed on my face a little. Oh yeah Did I forgot to mention to you guys that Kaname san had to go for today to work his boss needed him very much and he told me something about expecting alot of things! I didn't get what ge mean but put that aside I'm very hungry I guess i will just eat to get to work!


The talented Composer of STARISH and who managed to make all the boys of STARISH, QURTET NIGHT and HEAVENS to be madly in love with her have finished her food and her way to work and she didn't know what will happen today to her from the boys. In the other hand the boys was in there location make sure that everything okay and then Natsuki said "I'm so nervous mina san From what Haru Chan will say and Also The President and Ragging san , you remember that the 'no love Rule' is still on" Said the blonde tall member of STARISH feeling more worried also all of them can't deny there nervous from every second pass "I'm also very nervous and worried But we have to try! And the president can't stop the 18 of us! And besides I have a good feeling about the answer from him and Nanami besides one day Nanami will know about pur feelings to her so we better do it like that" "I hope so" Everyone said in union "Let's do our best!" said Reiji "Yes!" They said in another union and made last checks since they are the ones who made everything it was hard work but it worth it if its for there Lovely Composer and then they will head to home until it gets a little dark and make there first step at there plan, And they went to the Buses and will head home it took them like 30 minutes to get back and now its 12:00pm it was so far yet so close to them to Start there first step and they reached to there dorms and went inside "I'm back" They all said "we will go first Heavens have to discuss about our next Event" said the leader of Heavens Eiichi and everyone nod "we will Contact you later when we start" Tokiya said and Heavens nod and walked away heading to there rooms first to get there things "Good luck!" Natsuki said Cheerfully and waved by both his hands "Tck how can you love them Natsuki" said Syo "Will you must to love them too Syo chan Maybe they tried to take our haru chan but they failed and she still ours and also its for Haru chan herself" Said Natsuki answer his Childhood friend "Shinomy is right and The lady still STARISH composer and still hateing Heavens will not set very well with the lady Especially when we will have to share the lady we must get along with each other" "Does that mean that you got along with Van?" Cecil asked "No not him not even any member of Heavens But I will try" Ren said sighs "by the way what was The Contest between you and Kuryuin Van?" Asked Ai Made Ren Confused "How did you know Aimi?" "My date but I don't know what is it about" "a contest?" said Tokiya and Ren sighs again "Yeah me and van Had A Contest it was at our Duet project" said Annoying to remember what was the Contest about "He had Confess his feelings to her and then I told the lady to go ahead and I will go later and when I talked with him about what he do he said he likes her and whatever win and get more score in The project win the lady but in the end and to my relief we were equal but I still don't like him" said the flirty boy Cross his arms "Is that's why you were focusing very much" masato asked and staring at His Flirty Childhood friend answerd raising an eyebrow "Did you want me to let him take my lady away. Of course not and That's why But In the end she still ours" "you did well" tokiya said Clam "Why Everyone want to take Nanami! Doesn't they know That she is ours and ours only and Will be our Composer For ever!" otoya said pout "You don't deserve her" the Rocker man said "What did you say!" syo said angirly "Kurosaki is right for once Surely Quartet Night Is better than Starish" camus said looking at them from the corner of his eye "Its not! We are equal and one day we will be more higher than you Senpais! And My Princess will always be with Us! She loves Us and we all Promised ourselves to sing her songs for Ever!" the Prince from Agana Said And All The other 6 boys nods while there senpai was looking at them Knowing that they were right, they filled anxious but they calmed down "I like Challenges! And let's see how it will go after a Few hours" said The funny 25 years Idol that from QN "We must talk again with each other" masato said suddenly as they walked to the hallway. They all looked at him "What do you mean Masato kun?" natsuki the tall boy asked and they sit except for Ren was stand as Usual but in the back of the couch that Masato, Otoya and Syo sit in and in the Couch in front of them was Ranamru, Reiji and Tokiya and In the chairs was One have Camus and the other Cecil and Ai was standing beside the Chair of Camus "I mean we should continue talking on the plan and make a second thought because this will be a very big move we should think alot" masato continued And as they was talking again about there plan Haruka went down stairs and they all looked to the sound of the heels and saw The girl of there dream and she Came to them while smiling "Konbawa (Good evening) everyone" the Composer said and they was blushing of How Cute she is "Konbawa Nanami/ Nanami san/ Little lamp/ Princess/ Kohai Chan/ Haruka/ Haru Chan" They all greeted back "so how is everything?" "Great hehe thanks Nanami we are done with what we were doing" Then they heard foot steps and it was heavens "konbawa heavens" "Konbawa Haruka/Nanami/ Nanami san/Ha Chan/ Hoshi san" They greeted her back " Oh yeah we have something to tell you about Haru chan" Natsuki started, she Titled her head in answer "Look Nanami" otoya said still blush a little and nervous "what is it Ittoki Kun?" Said the Girl he loved so much "after an hour there will be a car come to take you and wilk let you in a place that we will be there, okay?" "Understood but why? And where" She still confused "no need to worry my lady we will be there" Said Ren "Then I better get ready bye everyone" She said and walking off to her room as the boys made there ways to outside and went to the buses to go to the location again before Haruka "We Can Do it!" They said in Union


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