Chapter TEN - The 4th Great Ninja War Begin

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Chapter 10

Naruto tossed and turned in his head, the headache had been subsiding but now that they came less frequently, the headaches were much more painful.

A man with pale skin and pale blue hair was staring at him, floating high above the Konoha's stadium, the lilac eyes laughing haughtily. "Now, this shall end it!" The man shouted as he floated in the sky, sending the largest chakra bomb Naruto had ever seen.

Jumping out of bed in cold sweat, Naruto panted.

"Morning, Naruto." Minato entered through the door, "Are you okay?"

"Y-yeah, just had a bad dream."

They walked out and joined Kushina at the table. "So, Naruto. We were going to talk about those headaches of yours, Lady Tsunade did a quick check on you yesterday, but I want you to try and tell us what you think is happening."

Kurama stirred from his slumber, briefly explaining to Naruto what was happening. "Seriously? Man, time travel sucks."

"Are you talking with the nine tails?" Minato asked.

Nodding his head, Naruto explained, "Alright, so... my original body is still back in the present, and time hasn't stopped. I'm just something like a clone? When I return back to my own time, I'll vanish and all the memories I've gotten here will return to the original me."

"Wait, so are you the real Naruto?" Kushina asked.

"I am."

"How does time work for the future you?"

"Kurama says that years might pass while I've only spent a few weeks here."

"Sorry that you're missing out on your life back in the future."

"It's alright! Cause I got to meet you guys, I finally got to know what having a family is like." Naruto smiled, sharing a group hug with them.

Inoichi sat at his usual seat, with a bowl of takeaway soup by the corner of the hokage's desk. "Good morning." He greeted.

The Uzumaki family nodded in return to Inoichi and the rest of the audience.

Inoichi began after everyone had been seated.

"Let's show them what we're made of!" Naruto shouted to his friends and allies.

The ten tails started created a large chakra bomb inside the barrier, "Previous hokages, brace yourselves!"

It crashed against the barrier, as it twisted and contorted. But the barrier held firm.

"The ten tails is barely having an effect on it." Tsunade said.

"But still, that is one serious barrier, to think it could hold the blast in!" Obito awed.

Hashirama created clones and went around the barrier, opening entrances for the shinobi to enter in. The ten tails began to grow out smaller clones to protect the main body.

"It's splitting itself. So it doesn't intend to let us get near the main body without a fight." Hashirama concluded.

Sakura jumped forwards and landed a punch to one of the ten tail's clones. A diamond seal on her forehead appearing and darkening in colour.

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