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Someone's pov

I went in my dorm and saw some of my friends who are trainees like me.

I took a bath after i arrived from the gym and i am putting on some products for my skin.

Yah seulgi. Seungwan said as she ran to approach me. Whats up? I say as i continue to wash my face. We have a new member. Again who? I say as i pat the towel around my face. She is really pretty and she is surely going to be the visual. Wendy said with an amazed face. How do you know? I say still not believing her. I got a glimpse of her and thats what the other trainees are saying. I look and her with a chuckle. You should never believe rumours that easily seungwan. I say as i pat her head and went out of the bathroom. But its true. Yeah sure.

I went to the living room and sat down on the couch. There were 5 people in each dorm and for now we are 14. 2 dorms are full and one is not which is ours. So i already knew there was going to be a new one since it has always been like that. Just then Someone sat beside me. Unnie have you heard the new pretty girl will be in our dorm? Joy say as she look at me in excitement. Why are you guys so excited and she probably would look as fine as us why are you guys explaining her like a goddess. Someone rang the doorbell in the middle of my sentence. I stood up to open the door while joy was saying. Cause she really is that beautiful. I look back at her and say. Yeah you wish. I then open the door to see who it was.

I look at her and she was looking at me shyly. I was stunned. Who is it. Joy say. As she came running towards the door. Is this real? She looks like an angel. I thought. Wow... You really are pretty. She look back and shouted. Wendy, yerim the pretty girl is here. Then suddenly the two came running like their life depended on it. Wow. Was the only word coming out of their mouth. I told you she was pretty. Wendy say as she nudged me. Can i go in please? Just then i snapped out of it. Umm... Y-yeah. I say as i make room for her to go inside. Oh god she is so pretty. I pinch myself. Okay its not a dream. 

We went in and we tought her where her room was. We told her we would wait at the living room.

We are all seated at the couch while waiting for the new girl. She came out of the room and i notice she was a bit shy. She sat down on the chair infront of us as i look around. No one started so i decided to do it. So umm whats your name? Joohyun... Bae joohyun but i got used to people calling me irene. And im from daegu. I nod. Thats why she has an accent.  I look to the side signaling wendy to introduce herself. Im shon seungwan. But they call me wendy. I am from minnesota. Im kim yerim you can call me yeri. Im park sooyoung also known as joy. I am from jeju. Im Kang seulgi. I said plainly. So umm are you allergic to anything? So that we could adjust with the food or things here if ever you are. Wendy say. No but i cant eat chicken. Okay noted. Wendy said acting like she written it down on her palm trying to lift up the awkward mood.

We talked a lot although it was mostly us we discovered irene was a silent type and we decided to let her be and wait for her to be comfortable with us.

We went back to our rooms and i lay down on my bed after doing my night routine. Just then wendy went in my room and she say. I told you she was pretty. She say with a smirk. Okay. Thats great. I say tiredly wanting to sleep.  Dont you think we should ask her, her age? I think its pretty awkward calling her name cause i dont know if i should call her unnie. Lets just ask her tomorrow. Please can i go to sleep now i just arrived from the gym and im tired. We are going to have practice the whole day tomorrow. Wendy said as she start to walk out slowly. What why? Because they chose the last member which is irene and they say in a month or two they will be choosing who will debut. I sigh. Atleast my dream of being an idol is close i just need to work hard to pass. I thought as i shut my eyes and hear the door close which means wendy went out already.


I woke up hearing knocks getting louder and louder. I stood up lazily and opened the door. Yah its already 8:32. Wendy said. And? What do you mean and our meeting time at the studio is at 9. I glance at the clock. Shit.

I ran to  the bathroom and took a bath. After i took a bath i immediately did my routine not caring if i spread it around my face well.

I went out of the room and saw them sitting down. Well that was the first time i saw you move that fast. Wendy say as she stand up. Lets go. Yeri say as she go outside first.

We went in the car and the driver started driving immediately.

So umm Irene should we call you unnie or not? It depends how old are you guys? Irene say slightly starting to feel comfortable with us. Me and wendy are the same age we are 19. Im 16. Joy say as she raise her hand. And im 13. What? Irene said with a shocked face. Yeri just nodded. What about you? Yow old are you? I ask irene. Try to guess. I will give you all one chance.  Irene say as we all nod. Your 18. Joy say. I think your 17. I say.  Me too. Wendy agreed with me. I think she is 16 like joy unnie. Irene chuckle or more likely small laugh. I am 22. Irene said plainly. What!? We all said at the same time. How do you look so young? Yeri say. I dont know im just like that i guess. She said with a smile. God i thought i was going to be the oldest here. I admitted. Are you sure your not joking? Joy said unsure if she should believe the said older woman or not. Irene just nodded and say. Many people think im joking but im not. Wait so does that mean your in your last year of collage? Wendy said. Irene nodded. Wow.

We arrive at the studio and the other 5 members took the studio on the left while the other 5 on the right which left us with the middle.

We started dancing. Our dance tutor told us to dance in free style so we did.

I watched irene as it was her turn. She dances elegantly just like her self. She does everything elegantly and im impressed how she does it with no problem. She looks calm maybe because she has done this before or she just got used to people looking at her. I mean who wouldnt look at someone that beautiful right?

We finished our one by one free style dancing as the coach called everyone's attention. So everyone we are done for today. This afternoon you will have your vocal lesson and tomorrow we will have practice same time. Our choosing of group that will debut will be next month so please work hard okay? Yes coach! We all shouted

I am preparing my things and someone sat beside me. I look who it was. Irene. I mean irene unnie. Yeah umm what does the coach mean by choosing of group? There are three groups right? Yeah. She answer. And each group has their own room. And next month they will choose in one of the three groups on who will debut. So your saying if they choose our group we will debut? I nod. Oh okay great thank you. Irene said and walked away.

We got the food that the staff gave us.

We went to school and we ate at the same time we all had classes from 1-3 thats why we decided to eat here.

We sat down on our chair and started to eat. So irene unnie we were not able to ask you a lot yesterday since it was pretty late so can i ask you a few? Irene nodded as she chew on her food. How many years have you been training? Joy asked. This year is my fourth. What about you guys? This is my 7th. I answered. 5th. Wnedy said. 4th. Joy answered. 3rd. Yeri say.

After a few minutes of talking i notice a few people walking by looking at irene unnie. She really is an eye catch. I thought. After she answered yeri's question for the nth time i say. Dont you feel weird when people keep looking at you? I used to and i still am not as much as before but i got the hang of it. How? People pass by my classroom sometimes and act like they are doing something and i notice them staring at me sometimes. I was not sure if they were really doing something or just wanted to see me but doing that everyday made it pretty obvious. I nod as i look around still seeing a few people looking at us.

We went to our rooms me wendy and irene unnie went to the collage department while joy and yeri went to the highschool department.

We went in to our rooms and the teacher immediately started the lesson knowing we didnt have much time.


Guess who's back?

I decided to start my new book immediately since i dont have much to do here at home. So i hope you guys like this first chapter and i will see u guys in the next one.

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