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Irene's pov

I look at yeri with wide eyes. How can you say that? I say as i laugh trying not to look suspicious. Your too young to know these things yeri. Age dosent matter in love unnie. And im young not dumb. Its obvious unnie i dont know how seulgi unnie doesnt see it. She whisper. I sigh. Fine. Yes. I like her. But dont tell anyone. If i found out you tell someone. I'll... I'll not cook your favorite anymore. I say as i turn around and continue to wash the dishes. While a bit nervous.

After washing the dishes.

I went in my room. I shut the door and lean on it. I sigh. What do i do now? Yeri knows. She knows now. Will she tell anyone? Will she tell seulgi?

I jump on my bed as i start kicking and punching the air. Tomorrow is going to be a long day.

Seulgi's pov

I woke up to a sound of an alarm. I sat down and looked around. I check the time. It is 7. I check our schedule and i realise we will be debuting tomorrow.

Our first schedule will be practice for a performance in two days. Our next schedule is just reminders how to fix mics and basic things incase of malfunction during a concert. Our third schedule is a photoshoot and our last schedule is training for professionalism and speech.

I took a bath. Feeling different. Excited, nervous, anxious, happy, and all other kinds of emotion.

I finished taking a bath and i decided to wear this.

I went out and saw unnie and yerim talking in the kitchen while unnie seemed to be cooking breakfast

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I went out and saw unnie and yerim talking in the kitchen while unnie seemed to be cooking breakfast.

Hey guys. What are you talking about? I... Uh... We... We are talking about... About yesterday. Yeri added to what unnie was saying. Okay continue then? I say as i sat beside yeri. Yesterday... When i went out with my parents. You went out with them? I ask. Yeah when they were going to leave. Anyway they kept saying unnie looked pretty. Unnie was really kind and unnie looked like a model. Well i was. You were? Yeri asked. Yes i once modeled with suho. Actually most of exo. I role my eyes at the mention of his name. I could be a better model than him. I thought as i look away. Suho? Yes suho. Why dont you call him sunbae? Because i have known him for a long time. It was also our anniversary not long ago. I scoff quietly. I could celebrate an anniversary better than he could ever do. Plus I could be a better boyfriend than him.

Knowing the topic wont end soon. I decided to try to change it. So what time will we be leaving? Well after breakfast. Speaking of that yerim go call the others breakfast is ready already. Yeri stood up and went to call wendy and joy.

Irene unnie sat on her normal seat which was beside me. How was your sleep? She ask. I wrap my arm around her waist and lean on her shoulder. She wrap her arms around me. It was good. You? Hmmm. It was fine. I had a dream and you guys were in it. I smirk. Its me. Not you suho. Try this. She say as she get her chopsticks and got some of her cooking. She feed it to me. Mmhh. This is good. I say as i sit properly and look at her. You sure you dont want to make a restaurant in the future? She chuckle and shook her head.

We start to eat. This time seungwan was infront of me joy was infront of irene unnie and yeri was beside unnie. Faster guys 30 minutes left. Seul can you drive? I look up to irene unnie as i swallow my food. Umm... Yeah sure. What about manager-nim? Busy because of our debut so we will be driving for ourselves. I will sit infront. I look to the owner of the voice. She look at unnie. Maybe not.

We finished eating and i got the car keys. Im going to go start the car already. Okay we will be going down in 5. Joy answer. I'll go with seulgi. Wendy say as she walk towards me. Lets go.

We went in the elevator. I press ground floor. Yah today is going to be a long day. Yeah and tomorrow is our debut. Oh we will be in a radio show tomorrow. Who said? I say as i exit the elevator. Sooyoung. Right. So how's you and sooyoung? We are okay. I cant seem to spend a lot of times with her these days though. We are too busy.

We went in the car. Does sooyoung not ask for quality time? I say as I start the car. Well no. She understands me. And vice versa. Anyway i always go to her room before I go to sleep and sometimes i end up sleeping at her room. What about you and irene unnie? She ask. I stop. Me and unnie. Im not sure honestly. We cuddle and stuff but after that she will hit me with. "thats what friends do right?" So no progress? Well atleast you guys cuddle already. She say. Well unnie is clingy. She does the same to yeri and sooyoung. I say.

By the way why are you there? I say as i look up and look at the mirror. What do you mean? You know. You loved front seats. Well some people change. Plus i want to sit beside sooyoung. Speaking of sooyoung.

They were going out of the dorm. Unnie sat beside me. Yeri was on the right. Wendy on the middle and joy on the left. You guys ready? I say. Lets go! Yeri shouted with a fist up.

We went to the company.

We went inside and went to the 3rd floor. Oh joohyun-ah. I heard someone say. I look who it was. It was suho. She went closer to him and they hugged. I roll my eyes and scoff. I look away. Seungwan was looking at me. I could be way better than him. I thought. They broke the hug. We need to go. We have four schedules today. Long day aye? He say as he laugh. Good luck.

We went in our managers office and he seemed to be busy with papers. Oh you guys are here. We will be going to where your concert will be taken. We will have markings. Anyway who drove? I raise my hand. Just follow my car okay? I nod. Okay then lets go.

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