Chapter 3: Private Eyes

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Steph got up extremely early to make breakfast for Ayesha and bring it to her in bed.

He always loved doing things for Ayesha, especially things like this.

Steph walked upstairs with the breakfast on a wooden tray with handles.

"Good morning my woman." Steph said as she began to wake up.

"Aww Steph, you made this for me?" Ayesha asked as she sat up and looked at what he made her.

"Yes ma'am with a side of fruits. You're favorite." He winked as she smiled and began to eat.

"Steph you didn't have to do this." 

"Well baby I did since you make me so many amazing things to eat." They both chuckled.

Steph then pulled out his phone and began to play 'Uptown Girl' and sing along to it.

"Steph stop." Ayesha said covering her face with her hands, as she blushed a lot.

"Uptown girlll, she's been living in her uptown worldddd." Steph sung as he danced around the room.

Ayesha looked at him as she smiled.

"And when she's walking, she's looking so fineeee." Steph said as he caressed her cheek which made her giggle.

"You're in a good mood this morning." Ayesha said taking a sip of her orange juice.

"I actually am because you're awake and It's game day today which means Mrs. Ayesha Curry has to watch me play." 

"You know Imma watch you play babe."

"Good, because last time you couldn't becauseeee?"

"Because I broke my arm." Ayesha said sighing.

"Yup, and todays the day you get to watch me play without any interruptions."

"I suppose." 

Few hours later.

"It feels like this place has gotten bigger." Ayesha said looking around in the gym.

"Baby you feel like that because you haven't been in here in forever because of you're recovery."

"Probably." She shrugged.

"AYEE THERE HE ISSS!" Dray said running towards Ayesha and Steph.

"Sup Dray!" Steph said hugging him.

"Who's ready to WINNN!" Dray said jumping up and down.

Ayesha laughed at them both because they were so hyped they couldn't even control themselves.

30 minutes into the game, Ayesha had to get up out of her seat since it was half time.

Steph caught her leaving so he ran after her.

"Esha where are you going now?" He asked walking after her.

"Steph I feel so sick." Ayesha said running to the bathroom.

Steph stood there in thought. He couldn't tell if she was sick because of the breakfast that morning or if it was something else.

Ayesha puked in the women's restroom. She didn't know why she felt like this.

It's been a month since Ayesha and Steph made up and talked about the baby thing so she didn't know if it was pregnancy or not. 

She was planning on seeing a doctor about this.

"Esha baby, you alright in there?" Steph asked as he knocked.

"Yeah babe I'm alright." She said as she flushed the toilet and sighed.

Ayesha walked out of the women's restroom and looked at Steph who looked worried.

"Why'd you puke? Was it from the breakfast this morning?"

"I don't know, but my stomach felt upset and I had that breakfast like hours ago so It can't be that."

"Well cmon, we'll figure this out when we get home. Right now, I have a game to win just for you." Steph then grabbed her hand and led her back in the gym.

Ayesha smiled.

When the game was over and the Warriors won, they were making their way back home after interviews and meeting fans.

"Esha how you feeling?"

"I'm feeling fine, for now at least." 

"I'm taking you to a doctor tomorrow and see what's causing you to be sick all of a sudden." Steph said as he walked upstairs to shower.

Ayesha looked down at her stomach and began to get lost in her thoughts.

"Maybe this is pregnancy.."

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