The Start

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Sean spat the blood out and wiped the blood from his knife and looked at his kill. Slightly savouring it as he killed someone important in Chevrex inc, which might seem nothing special but this assignment was posted on the board by someone anonymous but he has a faint idea who it is since he studies everyone's hand writing but never bother questioning it.

Kneeling down, he grabbed his second knife and closed his eyes for a moment.. Opening it, he lifted the hand of his target and cut off the ring finger and brought the ring along with him. Looking towards the door, he noticed there was movement underneath the door. Sheathing his blade and wrapping the finger with a cloth, he walked towards the window and climbed out of it just in time when the door opened and heard multiple gasps.

He groaned inwardly, not anticipating that the way down is much more difficult than the way up. Looking down, he saw some curves on the building which he deemed safe enough to slide down on but doubts started to form as he saw a sharp downward turn of the building. "Who the fuck designs these buildings?" He said to no one in particular before taking a deep breath and pushing himself towards the slope part of the building.

"FUCK!" He yelled as he slid off the building and fell on the pavement below. He groaned in pain and rolled around a little as he tried to soothe the pain that his entire body is feeling. "Never doing that again.. Even if it pays well.." He muttered as he laid there and looked back at the building and saw a redhead girl looking down at him. She wore a surprised face and left running and he assumed she was running for the guards so he forced himself to stand and try to walk away. "Hey! Don't yuh move yuself afta' fallin!" He stopped and looked back at the girl who was walking up to him. "I saw ya fell, yuh not in a position to move so sit down." She said and he hesitantly obliged and pulled his respirator device to his mouth and hoped she didn't see his face.

Seeing the girl reached into a pack, he tensed and his hand was already on his gun but he calmed down after it was one of those healing drone. "Name's D.O.C. little bud always up for some helping. Wuh yuh name?" She asked and he shifted slightly as he felt something stabbed into his harm, he immediately looked and saw D.O.C's tube and he sighed. "Sean.. No last name." He spoke through the respirator and the girl nodded. "Ajay Che." She spoke as she pat D.O.C.

He was about to speak up when he heard a man yell from the building calling out for Ajay. The girl sighed and nodded and D.O.C gently disconnected itself and returned to the girl. "Muh pa's callin, mi wi si yuh!" She ran back and waved back at him. He nodded and slowly stood up, already feeling better than he was earlier. "Damn.. I feel great.. If girls appear and help me if I fall from heights, maybe I'd do it more.." He joked as he began walking away but started to speed up as alarm finally blarred from the building he just left.

Arriving in the Square, he walked in and blended in and weaved his way through the crowd and entered a ran down building. Closing the door behind him, he walked more until he arrived at the door. Knocking on it three times, the hatch opened and someone peeked then unlocked the door and let Sean in. "Pleasure seeing you Ricky." The man named Ricky rolled his eyes and closed the door after Sean walked in. "Boss got someone with 'im. Don't bother them." Ricky said and Sean bowed and nodded. "But of course! Who am I to interrupt such important business?" He raised a brow and smirked and backed away.

Sean scoffed and chuckled as he walked up to the bar and tossed a coin down and the bartender immediately gave him grape juice. "Anything new?" The bartender shook his head and walked away from him. "Good talk.. Ass.." He scoffed and took a sip on his juice.

"Sean!" Someone yelled beside him, causing him to jump and let go of his glass. "Fuck me! What?!" He yelled and looked towards his side and saw his boss. "Damn Blisk, you fucking ass.." He muttered and rubbed his eyes. "For an assassin and a bounty hunter, you scare easily." He mocked and Sean rolled his eyes. "Ricky said you had someone over?" Blisk stayed silent then nodded afterwards. "It's someone." He crossed his arms and hummed. "You can say he's someone very very important." Blisk said and Sean shrugged looked towards Blisk. "By the way, you know this?" Sean said as he pulled out a card from his back pocket and sets ot on the table.

Blisk had an eyebrow up and leaned against the countertop. "So you did kill him, I wanna say you're mad but that's quite impressive." Blisk said as he waved his hand towards the bartender and looked at Sean then chuckled to himself before sighing. "Whatever, he didn't look like much anyways. Yes I know that, I'm the one who gave it to him." Blisk said as he nodded to the bartender when he set a glass of whiskey beside Blisk. "Say kid, why don't you join the games? The Apex games." Blisk said and Sean shook his head. "Bah, I'm not interested. I'm already making enough money killing and hunting people." He said calmly, his entire aura changing.

"Renee will be th-" Sean yanked and pinned Blisk against the countertop with a knife on his neck. "Say her name one more time and I will fucking slit your throat." Blisk chuckled to himself and had his hands up. "Noted noted, calm down boy." Sean scoffed, sheathing his knife and walked towards the doorway. "Don't mention her. Ever again." Sean said while glaring at Blisk.

Ricky was about to teach Sean a lesson but Blisk held his hand up and shaking his head. Ricky nodded and stood back up against his wall.

"Goddamn prick.." Blisk muttered under his breath and chuckled. "Got balls too."

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