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"Hurry, Tom," Rachel gasped.

"Don't panic," Tom said firmly. "I was just calling Dylan."

"My dads?" she asked.

"I'll call them from the car. I've got your bags, so come on."

Tom grabbed Rachel's night case and firmly propelled her through the front door.

He threw the bags into the boot of his car and got into the driver's seat.

Rachel carefully levered herself into the passenger seat, whimpering softly when another contraction swept over her.

"They're getting stronger," she said.

"Don't worry. The hospital is five miles away. We're got plenty of time yet."

Tom started the car, and handed her his phone.

"Call Dom."


By the time they pulled into the hospital car park, ten minutes later than Tom had expected because of road works he didn't know were happening, Dom and Adrian were already waiting beside the reception doors; Dom was pacing, looking worried.

"Finally," he burst out when Tom got out of the car. "What took you so long? She's having a baby!"

He pulled open the passenger door and helped Rachel carefully out of the car.

"I know, Dom." Tom opened the boot and took out Rachel's overnight bag. "I didn't know there were roadwork's on Sydney Street. I thought they started next week."

"You're here now," Adrian said calmly, wrapped his arm around Rachel's shoulders and steering her towards the door. "Come on, Tiny. Let's find you a bed."

They went to the reception area, and were promptly greeted by a nurse.

Rachel was helped into a wheelchair, and the group were taken to the maternity wing.

Tom gave the overnight bag to Dom, and settled himself on a seat outside Rachel's private room. He was surprised when Dom came out a moment later to sit with him.

"You're not staying?"

"No. Dylan will be here soon. Adrian's staying with her until he gets here."

Dom tapped his fingers nervously on the edge of his seat.

"She'll be fine, Dom," Tom said, amused. "Nothing's going to happen for a while yet."

"My baby's having a baby," Dom grunted. "I'm stressed."

"Well, have a latte or something," Tom said firmly. "Deep breaths. Happy thoughts."

Dom scowled.

"Just think," Tom said, trying a different tact. "This part only last for a few hours. The grandpa part lasts for the rest of your life."

"I suppose..." Dom sighed and rubbed his eyes wearily. "How come you're so calm?"

"I've read loads of books while Rachel's been living with me. She'll be fine; we've practiced breathing exercises, we've read up on how to look after the baby when it's brought home, we've picked names."

"You have?"

"Yep. Rachel and Dylan like James for a boy, and Claire for a girl."

"James?" Dom looked over at Tom. "After...?"

"Yeah." Tom smiled. "I think Freddie would like that."

Dom finally smiled.

"I wish he could've been here."

'Witness' - The White Bridge Crime Series 3 - LGBT, manXmanWhere stories live. Discover now