Chapter 33: ~Myself

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Listen to myself by bazzi for this chapter
It's been two weeks of me acting like nothing happened at all am being the best version of myself, it feels like the whole break up issue didn't affect me in a negative way , Holden and I have grown pretty close in the past two weeks, whilst Xavier's avoiding me ,he won't have to avoid me for that long because we are supposed to run through our geography project which is due this Friday .

"Whose the best partner of them all "holden says as he stands besides me .

" I know it's obviously me holden "I say and chuckle

"Well I was thinking since we are both working hard for this festival,why don't we take a break and maybe go out for lunch anything you would like."

"That would sound nice but this is better not be a date  in the past two weeks I've discovered I'm better off by myself, relationships give me trauma".

"Whatever you say bambi am cool with anything and I didn't even say it was going to be a date , it's just a friendly treat".

"Even better Mr Andrews "I utter

"You addressing me by my last name sounds weird"

"As much as I would like to stay here I've got to go , I have geography class In about Ten minutes "

"I'll walk you to class ,am afraid you might lose your step" says Holden.

"Oh my that sounds ridiculous , Do I look like clumsy?, As far as am concerned I can't fall instead  you should take care of yourself"

"Well the only thing that'll make me fall is you" , Holden muses while smirking at me.

I mean it's only been two weeks since his bestfriend and I broke up , oh wait I meant to say ex-bestfriend from my point of view these two haven't talked in a while and it's really noticible , at this moment as much I would like to fall for him ,I think am better by myself as I said earlier, I need time to figure my life out in addition  to that my mum and I have been bonding well .

"Hello earth to Amelia " A hand waves on my face.

"Huh what?"

" let's go learn about the earth".

"Since when did you start learning geography" I ask Holden

"I'm just walking you there, geography isn't my thing it's kind of boring".

"Can I have my bag now?" I say to holden

"Sure your majesty " holden says and hands me my bag,he later then pulls my chair out for me and motions for me to take a seat ,one of Jordi's friends chole who happens to be in this class  glares at Holden and I, I look at Holden and he shrugs and  later exits the Room , That was interesting,The lesson is about to start and everyone is settling down, Xavier Sits besides me as usual.

"I'm positive everyone's doing great unfortunately your geography teacher isn't doing well,so I'll be your substitute call me Mr Martin, I was told you have a project due this Friday so use this time to perfect it with your partners " Says our substitute teacher.

I turn to xavier whose texting on his phone.

"Umm hi Xavier did you get what Mr Martin said?"

"Yeah I did " Xavier says bluntly why is he acting like am the one who ended our unworkable relationship .

"Okay since you are busy we can do it after class is that okay with you?"

"Yes anything is fine with me , will do it at my place." He muses

"Ummm Sure but have you been avoiding me?"

"I Just needed to forget some stuff, I Don't know why you did me wrong but for some reason it feels right, I mean you and Holden are coping well, I guess I was the barrier standing in your way , I'm glad you're  now  fixing your  relationship "Xavier finishes his statement with hurt sounding through his voice.

"I think you got everything wrong, I'm the one who made the wrong choice am sorry I truly am".

"It's all good there's no bad blood between us".

The siren rings and that's the end of this class.



"At my place around four just after the lessons are done is that cool with you "

"Yes it is, catch you later"
Schools over and I have to go at xaviers,I couldn't go with him because he mentioned his going to pick up one of his old friends at the airport instead I asked Holden to drop me off.
Am currently at Xavier's door step , it seems like everyone's busy today , first Xavier and now holden ,he said had to rush somewhere and left in a hurry,I ring the door bell and wait for someone to come through .

"Hii how can I help you ?" A pretty brunette girl with green eyes  comes through at the door and she looks around  my age .

"Hey I'm here to meet xavier, you must be his cousin or close relative?"

She let's out a hysterical laugh "No silly am his girlfriend , I'm sure he didn't tell you about me, he likes keeping us a secret"

"Wow no he didn't tell me, sorry to ask but for how long have you been together?"

"We are old time lovers , our relationship has been on and off , by the way I'm tate and you must be?"

"I'm Amelia nice to meet you".

"Anyway come in I'll let him know you're here."

"Yeah sure" I muse

After 5 minutes of waiting ,Xavier finally shows up.
"Hi Amelia I didn't know you would be an early bird this time" he mutters in a sacarstic  tone.

"And I didn't know you Had a girlfriend, your old time British lover introduced herself to me, people really move on quick"

Xavier looks astonished by what I said.

"Don't give me the I don't know what you're talking about look, I can't believe I trusted you, so you were seeing someone all along and pretended to love me and I guess you had all this planned out, didn't you, you never really meant what you said , I thought you were different Xavier but youre nothing but a liar I should have never fell for you" I muse.

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