It's My Party And I'll Cry If I Want To

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"How do I look?" Sian asked.

She'd just left her bedroom to join Perry and Jen, who were waiting nervously in the hall, ready for Sinclair's going away party.

Perry didn't quite understand the premise of one, never had. Why would you want to celebrate someone you love or care for, leaving? More importantly, why the hell did Sian want to torture herself with it? When she'd asked her friend, although not in such words, Sian had simply replied, it was the right thing to do, to support him, and be happy for him.

"You look great," Jen replied, leaving her girlfriend to remain in an unusual reticence.

Sian had spent a little more time than was usual to get ready, for her hands shook when she applied her make up and her eyes teared when she buttoned up the front of her coral summer dress; emotions and their effects that she hoped she had safely shut away in her bedroom for the day. When she closed the door, no one was any the wiser to the state she had got herself in. Today, she was going to put on a brave face.

Sinclair waited outside for the three of them. Even in his summer linens, he felt hot and uncomfortable, and although he could blame it on the weather, he knew it wasn't the sun that burned him today. It was the wretched inferno of guilt and shame that pricked his skin, binding himself down to a personal hell of his own making.

His index finger tapped rapidly on the leather steering wheel, the only outward indication of his woeful nerves. When he saw Perry leave their building, he ripped his hand away and exitted the car. Before the trio made it to his Jag, he had opened the back door for Jen and Perry, then the front, for Sian.

She lingered as her flatmates slid into the back, placing a soft touch to Sinclair's chest, then an even softer one to his lips. He surveyed her, his eyes tender and full of everything she wouldn't allow him to say.

"You look lovely," he whispered.

Sian smiled then dipped her head in a shy manner. "Thank you."

It took just over an hour to get to Jane and Sylvester's house, and just like Sinclair's old home, it was large and beautiful. An old Edwardian residence, with flowers bordering the property and perfectly trimmed grass around the long gravel driveway.

Perry's eyes looked a little wide and Sian nudged her elbow into hers as they walked from the car to the front door.

"Everything alright?" she asked quietly.

Perry chuckled, a hint of wariness about her. "I think I've underdressed."

They sniggered together behind Sinclair and Jen, who were continuing a friendly debate that they had begun in the car.

Under any other circumstance, this would be quite lovely Sian thought; her, her best friend and their respective partners, so different yet so alike, enjoying each others company. But the circumstances loomed over her, and she wondered if it did the same to the others.

Their accommodating hosts opened the door, all smiles and cheers and greetings of hello and welcome to our home. Jane fondly hugged Sian as she entered, her bump feeling a tad more prominent than it had a few weeks ago.

They were quickly shown around to the areas they may need to frequent throughout their day there. Then onto outside. It was stunning; they surely paid their gardener handsomely for the work they did.

A large patio area fed out of the house, tables and chairs set out ready for their guests and then a small marquee that housed the food and drink that was being set out ready. Beyond that was acres of beautiful manicured green lawn with borders of varying, richly coloured flowers. Far off their was a summer house, that had its doors open, as another place for guests to take some shade.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2022 ⏰

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