Chapter 29 - The First Concert

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Allie’s POV:

When I woke up, the room was in darkness. I switched on the lamp near the bed and squinted against the bright light. I looked around for Niall, then realised that he was probably at the concert venue right now, preparing himself together with the rest of the lads. I reached for my phone, finding a note from Niall stuck on it.

I’ll admit that I found it hard to get up from bed, but a job is a job! I tucked you in tight though, you looked beautiful. Can’t wait to see you tonight after the concert!

Ps: a taxi driver should be coming to pick you up at around eight, he’ll drive you to the arena together with Daniela. You’re coming to see our show tonight :D love you allie xxx

I took a look at the time and realised that it was already seven. That meant I only had an hour to wash and find something nice to wear! I rushed into the shower, and got out in what must have been record time for me! Just as I finished putting on a nice pair of skinny jeans to go with the new shirt I had bought, someone knocked on the door.

“Do I wear this outifit or this one?” Daniela asked me, barging in as soon as I opened the door.

“Hi to you too,” I teased her, then looked at the dresses that she was holding up.

“I’d go with that one,” I pointed at the light blue one she was holding up. She grinned and ran into our bathroom to change. I rolled my eyes and went to knock on the door, “You know, I have all of my make up in there, so don’t take too long. The taxi should be here in around fifteen minutes!”

She came out five minutes later, and I quickly applied some lipgloss and light eyeshadow, nothing too bombastic, I didn’t want to stick out. Someone knocked on the door when I was putting on my Converse. Daniela squealed when she saw the taxi driver, and ran out of the apartment, leaving her bag behind her. I grabbed both mine and hers, locked the door, and rushed downstairs.

“Forget something?” I asked her in the car, handing her the bag. She blushed and we spent the ride talking excitedly. Neither of us knew exactly which songs they would sing during their concert, this would be our first time seeing them sing live as part of the audience. We got there a few minutes before it would actually start, so we quickly found our seats (which were in a balcony, and we had it all to ourselves, somehow), and settled down, just as the lights dimmed and the girls’ screams got much louder.

Halfway through the show, there was a small break of about fifteen minutes. Daniela and I just grinned at each other, breathless, “Damn, our boyfriends are talented!” was the first thing she told me. I nodded enthusiastically, smiling when I remembered how Niall’s face had lit up when he looked up at our balcony and saw me screaming my lungs out. He quickly went over to Liam and pointed over at us, and Liam winked and threw a kiss at Daniela, who burst out laughing and quickly threw one back.

“Niall and Louis are cool, right?” she asked me. I had told her what Louis had told me, I needed a girl-to-girl talk really bad. I nodded, “Yeah, I think so. Let’s watch them once they come out again, ok?”

She nodded and grinned when the lights dimmed again. The boys started singing She’s Not Afraid, much to the pleasure of the fans. Sure enough, Niall went next to Louis during the song and put his arm over his shoulder. Lou grinned and returned the gesture, and I looked over to Daniela smiling. They’re cool she mouthed to me. I nodded and sang along, regardless of the fact that my voice sounded like a hippo giving birth to a donkey.

Next on the list was Little Things. I absolutely adored this song, all their solos sounded perfect. Liam looked up at Daniela half way through his, smiling up at her. Sure enough, Niall did the same when his solo came up. Let me try and describe to you what I felt and heard right there: the arena was quiet, none of the fans were singing along or screaming, they just held their phones in the air, waving them gently. The only sound to be heard was the boys’ voices and the gentle music coming from the guitar. So when Niall started to sing, goosebumps formed all along my arms. He sang his part perfectly, looking up at me, and smiling shyly when I mouthed I love you at the end.

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