Chapter 16 - Mysterious signs...

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Daniela’s POV:

“Liam?” I called as I entered his flat; he had texted me to go over at around ten; and considering he was supposed to be at rehearsals and not at home, I thought that he was sick or something.

“Yeah, I’m in my room, Danny!” he answered. He didn’t sound sick, so I was confused as to why he wasn’t at rehearsals.

“Aren’t you supposed to be rehearsing?” I asked him when I entered his tidy room, raising an eyebrow at him.

“Niall’s not feeling well, he’s gone down with a bug of some sort, and the poor chap’s stuck at home for a week, so we decided to call off today’s rehearsal. I’m bored.”

I shook my head at him, kicked off my shoes and jumped onto his bed.

“Sooo...if you called me over, it’s cos you wanna do something, right? Being at my home is way more boring though, trust me,” I said as I rolled my eyes.

My feelings for Liam hadn’t completely disappeared, but at the same time they hadn’t decreased at all, if anything they had increased! But I was trying to make myself believe that I just cared for him as a friend, nothing more, nothing less. Allison had told me to ask him out myself, she said that she was dead convinced that he felt the same way, but I just couldn’t...I mean, what if he said no? Better avoid that altogether.

“EARTH TO DANIELA!!!” Liam yelled as he jumped onto me. I grimaced and shoved him off.

“Well, you weren’t listening! I was politely asking you if you wanted to go watch a film or something. You know, to pass the time?”

I nodded, “I’ll pay you next time though, I didn’t get any money with me.”

“As if! C’mon, my treat, ok?”

I laughed and got out of bed. “Lemme go get a drink first though,” I said as I hopped into the kitchen, trying to put my shoe on whilst walking. He chuckled, and started looking for something in his drawers.

“FOUND IT!” he yelled a few minutes later.

“Found what?” I asked amused, as I walked back into his room. His hands were behind his back as he gave me a cheeky smile, “Hold out your hands and close your eyes, ok?”

I did as I was told, raising my eyebrows in the process. I felt something slightly harsh in my hands, and opened an eye, curious. It was a rose! Liam had left the room already, and I smiled to myself. Fingers crossed, Daniela I thought to myself as I went out his room.

His eyes crinkled as he laughed, “Coming then?”

I nodded happily, and followed him out. There was a cinema quite close by to Liam’s house, so we decided to walk it there. Eventually we stopped talking, and Liam gently took hold of my hand. For the first time ever, I felt like it was more than a just-friends gesture. My stomach did a little flip, and I looked at him. He smiled shyly and squeezed my hand. I looked down and grinned, and crossed my fingers.

We chose a film and whilst Liam was busy buying us tickets, I quickly got out my phone and texted Allie.

Okkkk so Liam literally gave me a frikkin rose and he’s taking me to d cinema and i thought it was just a friend thing u no but he like held my hand on d way AND WAT DOES THAT MEAN ALLIE?!?!

By the time Liam had gone on to buy us both popcorn and coke, Allie had texted me back.

It means he’s into you, duh! Ive been telling you for idk how long...if he chickens out and doesn’t ask you out make sure you’ll ask him out yourself...or ill never talk to u again :b xxx

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