step #3

65 7 1

:: Lie

Actually, you've been hiding the truth all along

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Actually, you've been hiding the truth all along.

Something that actually makes your insides extremely gooey and short-circuits your brain to malfunction.

Wonwoo wasn't just your middle school friend.

He was your first kiss.


It had happened on the day before he was supposed to move to Seoul. You were sitting on the stairs that lead up to your apartment when he had spotted you. Almost crying.

And he couldn't understand why but he just knew he had to somehow make you smile. His mother taught him, to console the sad and pity the bad.

He approached you with hesitant steps, cleared his throat as he looked down at you, startled when you looked up at him with red eyes. "Who made you cry?"

"Jun-woo!" You had cried out, "He called me ugly, didn't want to kiss me!"

You still laugh at the memory. The naive childhood where a guy gave you a rose and you were his girlfriend. He wasn't the best boy in the class, lacked manners in doing things and went around showing how strong he was. Doesn't the new teenage heart flutter at that?

Flutter at the muscles and the rage of hormones instead of the weak and calm?

"Why would you want to kiss a stranger?"

"He's not a stranger but my boyfriend!"

Oh, you want to hit your head to the wall at the memory. How could you so easily agree to be someone's girlfriend? A boy from the other class you hardly knew, someone who refused to kiss you as soon as he saw freshly popped pimples under a layer of weakly applied foundation you had stolen from your mother. For that day, for a special day.

And then you were back to crying.

And what would a thirteen-year-old boy think after seeing a girl of his age crying about a boy not kissing her?


Was it the first time you had heard him call your name and not some random things like 'hey', 'you' or 'listen'? You think so, yes.

You had looked up at him, he had leaned down to you and pressed his lips against yours with no second thoughts. You remember thinking nothing, doing nothing. You don't recall if your heart had fluttered, if you had closed your eyes or not but all you remember is seeing him walk back to his house and, the next day, he was gone— leaving you wondering if all of it had been just a figment of your imagination.

"Yumi," the girl is still looking at you with anticipation, waiting for you to snap out of your unrealistically long inner monologue.

And when you do, you part your lips to speak.

But friends, jealousy is a deadly trait.

You are done hiding the truth.

You deserve an explanation for that kiss, or at least a better memory of your first kiss.

And that's why you are sure that you can't be held accountable for anything that leaves your mouth at this moment.


The girl blinks.



"He's not single?"

Oh, did I say that out loud?

The girl seems to be taken aback too, maybe expecting the same 'yes' you told everyone else. "Did you just say that Wonu isn't single?"

You roll your eyes. You would have, actually would have corrected yourself and said yes but there it is again, that nickname. Fuck it, you think.

"Well...yeah...he isn't'," you say and your cheeks grow warm.

The girl's face all of a sudden looks very determined, she steps forth and close to you, "Who is he going out with, then?"

Now she's testing your patience. You sigh, huff and scoff again, "Who do you think?"

Now, why would you lie?

Choose the correct option:

🗒 Were you jealous?

🗒 You were jealous.

🗒 You jealous (bitch)

🗒J̶e̶a̶l̶o̶u̶s̶  bitch

You could actually tick all of those options and win the second prize at the 'the dumbest things done in this decade' (because Tiktok was first) and then never show your face to anyone again.

If you could watch the girl's face in slow motion, you'd get to take in every moment of surprise turning to confusion, turning to understanding, and then back to surprise.

And then you mirror her gasp, probably more shocked by your words than she is.

"No way!" she exclaims.

❝𝗛𝗢𝗪 𝗧𝗢 𝗗𝗔𝗧𝗘 𝗬𝗢𝗨𝗥 𝗖𝗥𝗨𝗦𝗛  ━━ 𝗪𝗢𝗡𝗪𝗢𝗢Where stories live. Discover now