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Looking to be an affiliate with us? If so, look no further! You'll find everything you need to know about our affiliates in this chapter

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Looking to be an affiliate with us? If so, look no further! You'll find everything you need to know about our affiliates in this chapter.

An affiliate is a different Wattpad community with like-minded values and is interested in a partnership with us.

Required Terms:

- Follow each other

- Give each other shout-outs via our message boards (when asked)

- Put each other in each other's bios (or affiliate/community book, like here) as affiliates

That's the bare minimum to be an affiliate with us. Different communities do it different ways and want different things in return.

Optional Terms:

- A message board announcement announcing the new affiliate deal (upon agreeing to affiliate terms), including a promotion for each other's community books

- Adding one or two community books (your preference) into public reading lists on each other's profiles

We will NOT agree to any Discord conditions, as we prefer to keep all affiliate deals on Wattpad only. If you'd like something else that isn't included on this list (besides Discord), PM us and we can talk about it.

🌻 Eligibility 🌻

We are a bigger community, so we expect more than the average community.


- 500+ followers

- At least 3 months established

- At least one active project

If we find out you're no longer active, we can (at any time) remove you from our affiliate list. Affiliate deals we have made before releasing this eligibility list will remain affiliates, so long as they have at least one active project.

🌻 Interested? 🌻

If you're interested, PM or comment here! All affiliate deals are made via PM, so even if you comment here instead of PMing, we will follow up over PM. We aren't always quick at responding-our community responsibilities come before affiliate responsibilities-but we promise we will get to it eventually. If it's been a week with no response, feel free to comment again or send an additional message! But check your inbox often because you never know when we're going to respond. :)

We do have a cap on the number of affiliates we will accept, but we have not reached that cap yet. We are currently accepting affiliate deals.


That's it about affiliates, and thus all roles in our community! For more info on our current projects, check out the next few chapters!

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