Ch 12 - No, He's Crying for You

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|| Chapter song: Trouble by Halsey ||


Chloe's POV

I change out of my day old clothes, tossing my white pants out due to the amount of blood that got on them. My shirt, I toss. I stand in front of the mirror, noticing my belly.

It's ripped, the piercing is gone, it has scabs and freshly new blood dried on it. I ignore the pain shooting through it. I find some surgical tape for casts and I wraps some around my waist after putting a damp cloth over my belly. I sigh, my belly is ruined forever now.

I ask my mom if I could stay home from school today due to ashton becoming violent.

"Mom, can I stay home today? I don't felt good." I make my nose red by blowing it lots of times, and blowing my blow dryer on my forehead. I quickly place my pajamas on, sitting by the toilet now acting like I just threw up.

She comes in and touch to chest my forehead checking to see if I'm running a fever, "Sure, but I have work today and the rest of the week, so I won't be home. Don't cause any damage and I do not want Luke over." She narrows her brown eyes, her eyebrows following.

"Got it." I smile, feeding her my lies like taking candy from a baby.

"Good. I hope you feel better. Bye dear." She smiles, closing my door softly, surprisingly not slamming it like she always does.

I slowly get put off the bed, due to the huge bruise across my stomach and sides.

I can't believe he went all chaotic like that. Beating me, punching me, calling me nasty names. It's just not like him.

I grab my phone, blood on the edges, I'm guessing it's mine and I wipe it off with with a damp rag. I dial Luke's number.

It rings twice before his voice across the other line.

"H-hey Luke, will you stay home with me today?" I ask in the nicest way possible, I don't need to act nice he knows somethings wrong if I stay home from school. I just never miss a day.

"I am coming right now. I'll stop at the store also, need anything?"

"No, just you." I wipe a tear, knowing I'll have to tell him about yesterday with Ash.

"Okay, I'm on my way." He says, I can see the shiny, bright, white smile on his face just by listening to his voice.

"Okay, come quick please." I hang up after that, unable to hold my tears any longer.

I sit by the staircase, holding my waist, clutching it.

I crawl down the stairs due to my wounds, I make it to the ground after what seems like 5 hours.

A knock lands on the door, causing my head to snap snap to the direction of the front room.

"Come in!" I yell with all my might. It comes out more as a cry of help than a yell.

Luke walks in after opening the door, bags in hand.

"Oh my god, what the hell happened to you?" He yells, dropping the bags running it fever to me laying, curled up in a after ball on the cold tile flooring.

"I just, fuck help me up." I say as his arms wrap around me, holding me.

"What happened?"

I sit in his lap on the floor, the foot standing wide open still.

"I ran out of school yesterday because of Kassandra," I say, pain shooting through my body with every breath I desire to take, "and we'll Ash found out about the incident, and said it wasn't true. I didn't believe him. And well, he got super mad that is didn't believe him and started to hurt me. And I mean like punching, kicking, pulling, pushing, calling calling me a slut, whore, bitch, everything Luke." I feel myself sobbing now into Luke's Nirvana tee.

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