Pisces is a person who is quite sadistic but they act like an Angel their personality is close to Hu Tao but instead of being nice and warm they're more sinister and dark a lot like Himiko Toga from Boku no Hero Academia or like Shinobu from Kimenistu no Yaiba again not that kind or nice I hope you get get their personality they enjoy torturing people to death while having an angelic and wholesome smile on their face. Their personality is quite adorable if you cut out her love for Death. Their biological father was Adeptus well that's what they were told but their mother wasn't an Adeptus. Their mother had sold them to an Inazuman man who had them as a servent for ten years that man had also sold her then to a Snezhayan man who had taken of her till the Snezhayan Queen Tsaritsa saw potential in them then the Queen Tsaritsa put them through training by throwing them in the Abyss for 15 months at the age of 14 soon they had gained a vision a hydro vision and then they had joined the Fatui and soon they became one of the harbingers and they were given a Cryo delusion and the name they went by was"Rosaura" and they were sent to Inazuma for Keeping an Eye on the Inazuman land where they worked as an adventurer at Adventurers Guild undercover of course .
A description of what they look like-
They look very Adorable and also dress in a mix of the Liyue style and the Inazuman style their ocean blue eyes with beautiful emerald green specs and lines in them. Their pale white skin with cherry red tinted lips and strawberry pink cheeks. Their beautiful blue hair which as soft and bright as the sky.
The pictures for people with low imaJINation (sorry if it offends you)-
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Clothes and accessories
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