Meeting DreamClan (LynxEar Tie In)

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Brief Overview of Paragraph:
If you didn't know already, My name's CaracalPaw. I trekked through the forest hoping to find some clan or ANYTHING even. Finally I stopped and scented the area. I caught a faint smell of cat and followed the scent determined. The leaves and twigs rustled and snapped underneath my paws. I lashed my tail and brushed away a bush.
There in front of me, stood a clan I had never seen before. It was busy and crowded, cats everywhere you look. Yowls and caterwauls interrupted my admiring of the clan. A middle aged warrior was standing in the middle of the clan, attracting hostile looks and hisses. She appeared to be aggravated also.
"Go away SparkleStar! No one wants you here in DreamClan!"
"We don't need your advertising!"
Outraged cats were hissing and growling at the cat SparkleStar. Finally SparkleStar retorted back.
"You will pay, you ungrateful cats!" She spat, her tail lashing furiously.
"When hedgehogs fly", one cat snorted, rolling his eyes.
Another young kit mrowed in amusement and SparkleStar spun around at her, hissing.
"Do you wanna die? I can slice you easily!" She sneered, attempting to look hostile. 'Kinda hard to do with a ridiculous name like "SparkleStar".' Caracal thought.
The young she kit boldly spat back,"How ya gonna do that? Stuff glitter down my throat until I suffocate?" That surprised Caracal and he let out an amused purr. 'Brave she-kit'. Caracal tried not to grin. SparkleStar looked embarrassed and stalked off, tail high. Caracal shook his head and sighed. 'Too much drama'.

He decided to just camp out near the clan for now and see of anything interesting happens. Caracal plopped down by the pond and listened to the sound of the ripples. Gentle wind swayed the trees and blew through his fur. Finally, he lay down and closed his eyes peacefully.

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