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Y/n's POV.

Once we get back to the RV, Sae Byeok went back home to grab some clothes. She said she'll come by tomorrow, as if she didn't just spent an entire week with us.

It feels... Weird.

Getting to see her again is something I aimed to get, and now I did. But why do I feel so guilty?

She's been spending so much for me after I woke up, since I'm broke she's out here buying my needs, I know she insisted but I couldn't help myself but to feel useless.

I don't even have the guts to talk to her about our relationship yet, I'm feel so awkward just by thinking about what I'll say or what I'll possibly do that'll embarrass myself in front of her. What if she already has someone else? Like a new person that she finds interest in? It has been 2 years ever since our last... You know, that.

Now that I got what I wanted, coming back to her and all. Now what?

I don't want her spending her win all on me, she won that fair and square and she's just going to be as Ji-Yeong said earlier, my "sugar mommy"?

I need to start fresh, find a job maybe? Since Ji-Yeong got one, I thought about giving some things a shot.

I have to earn for myself, I don't wanna burden Sae with her having to buy and get everything I want nor need, that's just wrong.

If we DO happen to continue our relationship, I don't want her to be the only one to do everything for the both of us.

It should be Sae Byeok and Y/n, not Sae Byeok and her gf.

Looking at my table, seeing my journal waiting for me to write another chapter of my life as I continue to face obstacles I'll hopefully overcome like last time,

Aggressively shoving everything off my table, grabbing any random pen I can use, writing down what I needed to write down.

"my diabolical plan by Y/n."

*A few days later... *

"I can't believe I applied for five jobs in a span of days, holy shit I think I've made a mistake." I sat down and drank from my water bottle, none of them know that I applied for jobs, I've been telling them I was just going around town with Hoyeon as we were catching up,

But the only time we ACTUALLY spent together was when she helped me apply to that one job I'm currently in, a server at a coffee shop.

"If I only knew that you applied for four other jobs I should've never helped you find this one, you're basically killing yourself!" Hoyeon stated, drinking her coffee I handed her,

Killing myself? Believe me, I would never kill myself unless Sae Byeok or my friends are on the line. You know how that went last time. Hehe.

"don't worry, I can handle it. I've experienced worse things and I pretty much survived, I'll be fine." I told her, she seemed like she doesn't believe me,

If you only knew...

She nodded and continued organising her portfolio,

Gosh... I miss organising my portfolio. If only I didn't failed my class, I would've graduate now and have a decent job.

But if I did graduate I would've never met them, maybe this is my destiny?

"Y/n?" oh shit it's the boss, I stood up holding the tray as I smiled at her, "yes ma'am?"

𝑾𝒆 𝒇𝒆𝒍𝒍 𝒊𝒏 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆, 𝒊𝒏 𝑶𝒄𝒕𝒐𝒃𝒆𝒓. | Kang Sae Byeok. Where stories live. Discover now