Chapter 2: Heart's Desires

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Please note that there are mention of smoking throughout the story, and it's injurious to health!


575 BC - Babylon

Parties have never been Ayaz’s scene. He craves silence and solitude, which is why he finds himself perched on a cliff overlooking the vast, tumultuous ocean. The distant sounds of laughter and music drift through the air, but they barely reach him, drowned out by the soothing symphony of the waves crashing against the rocks below. The stars glitter above him, twinkling like distant promises in the dark canvas of night.

Ayaz inhales deeply from his hookah, savoring the rich, sweet smoke that fills his lungs. He takes his time, allowing the warmth to wash over him in a mellow buzz. His golden-blond hair sways gently in the sea breeze, framing his face as he exhales a fragrant cloud into the night, watching it dissolve into the cool air.

His gaze drifts to the shore, where two figures embrace, lost in each other beneath the soft glow of the moonlight. Even from a distance, he can see the joy radiating from them, the way their faces light up with affection. A bittersweet smile tugs at the corners of Ayaz's lips. Watching them ignites a sudden pang of loneliness within him. Will he ever feel such love? Is it even possible for someone like him to find that kind of connection?

His thoughts spiral, questions flooding his mind—each one more troubling than the last. The warmth in his chest morphs into envy as he takes in the lovers’ tender exchange, the intimacy he craves but believes he doesn’t deserve.

With a final, deep inhale, he exhales a dense cloud of smoke, letting it drift away like his fleeting hopes. He drops the glowing coals to the ground, conjuring a handful of snow to extinguish them, the coldness hissing as it snuffs out the last remnants of warmth. He brushes the dirt off his armor, his gaze once again landing on the couple. Shaking his head at his own turmoil, he decides to teleport to the party, desperate to escape the haunting reminder of what he lacks.

"And Ayaz, you’re late."

The familiar voice startles him, causing him to jump. He turns to see Druig standing there, a wine glass casually held in one hand, a playful grin spreading across his face.

"I was busy fighting a Deviant while you lot were off having fun," Ayaz retorts, crossing his arms, irritation lacing his tone. Deep down, however, he wonders why Druig always seems to gravitate toward him.

"All you have to do is lie," Druig replies, stepping closer, his piercing gaze locking onto Ayaz’s. A rush of nervousness surges through him, causing his heart to race in a way that’s unsettling yet exhilarating.

Ayaz opens his mouth, prepared to deliver a witty retort to mask the sudden vulnerability creeping in. But before he can, the sounds of the party explode around them. Humans are cheerfully fighting, their eyes glowing with joy as they slap each other playfully before embracing.

"Ajak doesn’t want us to intervene," Ayaz warns, squeezing Druig's shoulder gently.

Druig nods, scanning the revelry before focusing back on Ayaz. "She also says that smoking is very, very bad."

Ayaz frowns at the implication. He knows another lecture from Ajak is looming if this information reaches her ears. "If you say nothing, I’ll say nothing."

"Deal." Druig’s smile brightens, showcasing his charming dimples, and Ayaz feels a flutter in his chest. For a moment, everything else fades away, and he’s left reeling from the intensity of Druig's presence.

The quickening of his pulse confounds him. Why does Druig make him feel this way? He’s known the mind controller since their first meeting at the Domo, yet now he’s battling a rush of unfamiliar emotions—feelings he finds both thrilling and terrifying.

With a subtle nod, Ayaz steps back, an instinctive retreat as he grapples with his thoughts. It’s only when he realizes he’s walking away—without teleporting for the first time—that he understands how deep in his head he truly is, tangled in a web of feelings he’s never wanted to confront.

The distant sounds of the party fade behind him, but the lingering essence of Druig remains, leaving Ayaz with a restless heart and a mind brimming with unspoken words.

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