Y/n has been bestfriends with the Walton's Ever since y'all were 3 years old. Because your and the Walton's parents have been friends way before you guys were born. And after a while of being on vacation you Realize your in love.....
After we got through security we went to go sit on some chairs to wait to board the plane.(idk what it's called lol) we were just talking and sitting on our phones until Jessica said it was time to board the plane. We were walking in that tunnel thing and I was walking in front of Jaden and Javon. Until Jaden kicked my shin causing my to almost trip but I didn't.
"JADEN" I yell He was just laughing with Javon "Y'all are not funny" Jayla says And then she puts her arm around you.
You got into the plane and you sat by Jayla in the window seat you in the middle and Jaden in the row seat. And Javon, Jessica, and Dj sat in the seat in front of y'all (poor Javon). "So where do you guys think we are going" Jaden says. "Idk" Jayla replied "Guys just look at the tickets" you whispered so Jessica and Dj don't hear you. "Ohhhh your smart" Jaden says "No I'm just not dumb" you say with a straight face. "GUYS were going to the Bahamas" Jayla says. "Omg really" I say excitedly "Ya" she reply's "We needa tell javon" I say
The hotties❤️😫 Jay😝- Jadon J❤️- javon bbg😫- Jayla Bold- you
You fell asleep and woke up on Jadons shoulder.... "Oh I'm sorry" you say "your ok" he reply's with a smirk on his face. "GUYS WERE HERE" Jaylas say "yay" I reply. You guys get off blah blah blah get your rental car and then you get to the resort/airbnb.
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This is it
"Omg it's so pretty" you say "Ya it is!!" Jess reply's
You all walk in and see 2 rooms one with one bed and a big bathroom and the second room was with two beds and a big bathroom. So obviously Jayla Javon Jadon and me took the one with two beds and Jess and DJ took the room with one bed. While we were putting our clothes away in the closets and dressers Jess walks in. "Hey guys Dj and me are going to the store do any of you wanna come?" Jess says We all say we're fine. "You guys wanna go live?" Jayla says "Ya sure" you say
Javon Jadon n jayla go sit down on the floor and jayla sets up the camera. You had to go to the bathroom so you will be back when they're already live. "Hey guys" you say walking to where they were. "Heyy" Jayla says You decided to sit in the back because there was no room in the front.
Comments Who's that? Is she dating Javon or Jadon?? Ewww whoever that is she's ugly Wait she's actually pretty I ship her and Javon No her and Jadon I ship Y'all trippin she fine And more....
Jayla reads " I ship her and Jadon" "Ik right I ship 'em to" and then she pushes me and Jadons side of our faces together. "Stop" I say lightly laughing "I'll be back" Javon said sadly And then he walks in our room. After like 3 minutes Javon still hasn't came back. So I decided to go check on him. "I'm gonna go check on wanna" I say "Ok" Jaden reply Javons POV I walked in the room and laid down just thinking. I knew I liked y/n so I was mad that she got shipped with Jadon. Then I started to overthink. Does she like him. Would they date. Does he like her. What if he ask her out. What if she doesn't like me. then somebody walks in. And then I heard her voice. I was kinda happy that she came but I didn't want to show it.
You walk in there (the Camera could see you still because the door was right behind everyone). You walk in and he was laying on the bed with his arms around his eyes. You didn't want anyone to see so you opened the door slightly and slide through the door.
"Hey what's wrong" you say in a nice calming tone "Nothing" he said still laying down with his arms around his eye. You go to lay on the bed and say "Javon what's wrong" you say and than you lay down looking at him. He looks back at you and says "I'm mad you got shipped with Jadon" "Why" you replied "Because... I I like you" he says "Really" you say shocked "Yes really" he says "I like you to" you reply with a smile "Sooo do you want to be my girlfriend" he says. "Oh my gosh... ya I would love to be" and then you hug him Then I broke the hug and said "but I only want family to know.. not the public" "Ofc. that's fine" he says "Umm we should go out there." I say "Ok" he says
Javons POV When I asked y/n to be my girlfriend I was scared. Until she said yes!. I was so excited to be her boyfriend and love her. And she told me she doesn't want the public to know yet. And I totally get it because my fans are crazy and they will just hate on her. Witch I would feel terrible about. After she told me we should go back out there. I said yes but I really didn't want to. I wanted to kiss her. But then we went out there.....