The first day

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I was so tired when we reached his apartment.So the first thing I did was doing Hunters and my bed ready while Thomas fixed some food. I ate and Hunter ate. When I was done eating I took my plate and placed it in the sink.
-I think im going to sleep. I gasped
-Ok.Sleep well!
Thomas came inn five minutes after and went to bed. I woke up when he came and I looked at him. His eyes glowed blue in the sea light.
-May I kiss you? He asked
-Can I k....
-No I heard what you said.I mean why?
-I just want to.
He leaned overe and kissed.Then I kissed him and we kept on kissing until we woke up the next morning. It knocked at the door.Thomas jumped up and put his clothes on.
-Hello Thomas.Do you have any visitors? The voice said
-Yeah.A friend, a good friend.
The person walked in to the room and saw me.I was clothed and stood by the bed with Hunter by my right side.
-Thea!Is that really you!?
-Yup!Its me Thea.How are you Dean?
-Good, good..You? He said happy
Dean: short brown hair, green eyes and a beautiful smile.
He came over and kissed my cheek.Dean called for Cloey and she came in.
-Clo!I have missed you!
-Yes of course you have.
-What is it? I asked slowly while looking at Cloey
-Nothing! She answered angry
Cloey: Long blond hair,blue eyes,bit bitchy.
We sat down by the table and ate breakfast. Dean looked at me trough the whole breakfast and Cloey sat by his side angry. No one talked until Nala came.
Nala: Long light brown hair, brown eyes and dark skin tone.Braces
-Thea!Omg! She shouted out
-Hey Nala!
-How are you?
-Good.How are you?
-Just fine..We need to talk.

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