...The last chapter...

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-No!Im not jealous! Thomas shouted
-That is what a jealous person would say. Zack said laugthing
Nala let Jack out of the cell and the first thing he did was to take a shower. Thomas allso got out of his cell and the first thing he did was talking with Dean. I sat very mutch alone in my apartment.
-Im so sorry Dean! Thomas said
-Nahh!It is okay.You only wanted to protect her and that is okay.
Nalas phone rang.She looked at the other ones and answered.
-Hi? She said slow
-Nala!?This is sargant Nick.You and your fokes need to hear this!
-Yes.I will get them here.
Everyone came to the meeting hall, but I did not. Nala sent Thomas to get me.
-Thea?Are you in here?
He broke down the door and saw me tied to a chair. Than he ran fast over to me to tie me up. And just before he got the rope he was hit in the head. When Thomas woke up again he looked at me with a hard face.
-Are you angry at me? I asked
-No.I am just trying to loose up the rope.
Jack came in to the room and looked sad at me,but when he looked at Thomas he got mad.
-The boss will see you now. He said
Me and Thomas looked at eatchother afraid.
-Jack? I am just asking but who is the boss? I said slow
Hunter came in and turned in to a human.He was actually kind of cute.
-Hello Thea. Hunter said proud
-wha!?How!? I said terrified
-I can explain later. He replied clamly
I saw on his face that he was really proud, just the same face he used to do after he had hunted down a mouse as a dog. Jack and Hunter went outside to talk and left me and Thomas at my room.
-I have an idea! Thomas wispered
-But it involves death, I mean ill probobly have to "put down" Hunter. He said really slow while looking carefuly at me
-No way!Im not going to do that! I said mad
-Either him or me.Who do you chose?
-I guess the best thing for us to do is to put down Hunter.
Surdently we heard a loud noise.I could hear the sound of a knife hoing trough flesh.Hunter howled and it surdently got quiet. Dean came trough the door and smiled at me.
-What are you doing here? He laughted
-Well I guess we just felt to sit tied to a chair. I replied smiling
-You may tie us up now. Thomas said a little bit angry
I guess he was a bit disepointed that he could not save us, but he was happy that we survived. I jumped up and pushed Thomas against the wall.
-Can you please leave the room Dean? I asked polite
-Of course. He smiled
I looked Thomas righ in to his eyes and said
-I love you, do you love me? If so lets get married.
-YES, I love you! And yes, it would be an honor to marry you!
And so we did.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2015 ⏰

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