Ch. 11 | Everyone Lives

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Summary: Spencer and Reader's happily ever after begins.

A/N: This is part one of two for the Epilogue! I hope you enjoy some fluff and comfort!


The cold exam room air didn't seem quite as frigid with Spencer's hand in mine. It had been hard enough to get him to let go of me long enough to get the gown on, and now that I was ready, I feared I'd never get my hand back. Then again, there were worse fates.

"Is it normal to be this nervous?" I asked, settling back into the bed and staring up at him with a look I hoped would express my need for comfort. It became very clear very quickly that the message was not received.

"Well, during the first half of the pregnancy you're experiencing a lot of estrogen changes, which can lead to a lot of anxiety. It's supposed to be counteracted by progesterone, but the levels change so rapidly it's really hard to tell." Spencer's voice got caught in that cadence that told me he wouldn't be stopping soon. With an awkward, nervous smile, I nodded along, too afraid to stop him yet.

"Not to mention the morning sickness you've been dealing with, which I'm sure isn't exactly the most relaxing thing. Of course, there's also your concerns that you're gaining too much weight, which I think are ridiculous. You look beautiful. Yes, it's more than last time but, I'm certain that you also looked beautiful last time."

Rolling my eyes, I tried to pull my hand back at his unabashed flattery. He didn't let me, holding tightly in his grip. I had to laugh, looking up at him to see that he'd been staring off into space.

"And with our history, it's far more likely to experience an understandable anxiety about—"


Thankfully, he realized that he'd crossed a line. Before we even got to this appointment, we'd made a promise to each other: we wouldn't talk about my last pregnancy. I'd answer the questions when the doctor asked, but other than that, I didn't want to discuss it. Not yet, anyway. Maybe never.

"Yes, it's normal." He concluded, sitting down on the side of the bed so we could be closer. "Or at least I hope so, because I'm also incredibly nervous."

I laughed louder now, putting my free hand over the two of ours clasped together. "I thought having you here would make this easier, but now we're just both a wreck."

"I can leave if you want?" He joked, motioning to the door.

"Come here." With a big smile plastered on my face, I managed to free my hands and grab him by his collar. When he was just close enough to close his eyes, fully expecting a passionate kiss, I stopped. "If you leave me right now Spencer Reid, I will actually kill you."

Audibly swallowing, he let out a brief chuckle in the hopes to lighten the mood. Deciding to give him a bit of a reprieve, I did dart forward to give a soft peck on his adorably awkward grin.

The sound of the door caused us to break apart, both of our attention diverting at the same time. "Hi Mr. and Mrs. Reid, sorry for the wait—"

"It's Dr. Reid." I corrected, edging out Spencer's overlap by less than a second. It'd become a bit of a contest, really, for the two of us to see who could do it first. I'd won this round.

"Oh, I'm sorry." The technician muttered, flipping through the chart in hopes of finding an answer. "Which... one of you?"

"Dr.," I said, waving my hand in front of my husband as if I were presenting him to a crowd. Then, with an even more dramatic motion, I held my hand to my chest and proudly declared, "Mrs."

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