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Let's do it together...

Jimin's pov

I couldn't sleep at night as my thoughts were not leaving my mind. I was sad, angry, jealous because Yn loves that Boy. A paralyzed boy. Not me. I was pretending to be good till now but not more. I won't leave that bloody guy for steatling my girl.

I want Yn!

And for that i need to kill Taehyung!

But that will be possible when i will make that dorry beleive that i hate taehyung.

Yes. I can do anything to get what is mine. If it makes me Kill anyone. I wasn't sure dorry will beleive me or not? But i need to make her believe ne as we have the same target, making sure that she won't hurt my girl or else i will kill her first.

*Ring ring*

"Pick the damn call." I said while grinting my teeths as dorry isn't picking up my calls. "Yah! Why don't you pick my call?" I angred at her when she picked the call. "Wae? Who are you that i will pick your call huh?" She is annoying, " shut the fuck up or else-" " what huh? What will you do? Remember i'm still in this house i can kill that girl! Right now!" Aish! Why does she have to bring yn up in the topic? Calm down jimin. "Yeah yeah! Listen. Meet me at the xxx Cafe, at 5pm." I ordered her. "Am i your servant or what? And why do you want meet me?" She asked. "I'll tell that in person. Okay bye!" I hunged the call and threw my phone on the fluffy bed of mine.

Am i doing right?

Was the thought that got my attention and that was it. My heart and mind started their qurrel. Yah! You shouldn't dp this taehyung is your friends, no? My heart said making me think for a while until. Friend? Friends dosen't even matter in this world but love does. He is taking away your love. What is yours. You will just see? Or make her yours? My mind protested. Right i can't let him take her away. But... she loves him if you did so she will start hating you and will never love you. Try to understand being her friend is more beneficial. "Ugghhhh shutup you both." I growled.


Here i'm waiting for that girl. Why is she? It's past 5 already. I will kill her for sure if she didn't came. "Yah!" I heard her voice and sighed before turning my face towards her. "You are late." I reminded her, "I know. So what is it?" She said asshe sat down in front of me. "You want tae. Right?" I asked her because i know she does want him but only for her use. Bitch isn't she? "Yeah so what about it?" She rolled her eyes. "I want Yn. Let's do it together you will get tae and i will get my yn.."

"What!!!.." She was beyond shock i can say that. "Yah keep it low." I shushed her, "Yah! How- i mean- Woah." She didn't had words. "Don't be so shocked i just need her and taehyung out of her life after that you can do anything that you want with that guy." I threw my back on the chair. "Yah! You are here to make a deal. Don't order me okay?" She glared, "whatever. So are you ready?" I raised my eyebrow. "Ofcource." I smirked.

Yn's pov~

"Really?" I asked in surprise. "Yes. We are happy to say that finally mr. Taehyung-shii is showing a good recover." This was the thing i wss longing to hear. Ahh i'm so happy. "Thankyou so much." I bowed at the doctor as uncle was out of country so he hired a trusted doctor for taehyung before going. "My pleasure. I will take my leave now." He said and i bowed at him again.

"Baby bear, did you hear that?" I exclaimed to taehyung who was right now laying on the bed of the hospital. He smiled. A forced one. I can see that, He dosen't even look at me. Aish! What happened to him? "Yah! Taehyung why aren't you looking at me?" I asked as my tears were threatening. "Why? Did i do something wrong?" A tear left my eyes i don't know why. I can see that his eyes softened but he was still ignoring my words. "Do you hate me?" "Am i not good enough?" "Look at me atleast." Everything in vain.

It's breaking my heart.

"Mine too." Taehyung thought.

Taehyung's pov~

Yah! Don't don't cry. Please. Everything but don't cry i can't see you cry. I can't see my love crying because of me. I hate that. Specially that dorry. My ex. Ahh why did she came back after ruining my life. She ruined everything. I became like this because of her and because of my

Step-mom, Step-sis and step-brother.

Hyung? He didn't even visited me once in these years. I was broken. Nothing was left for me to live. Mom? She also left me alone and dad? He married my step-mom. I hate her the most in this whole world i wish she was dead. She will be. I will surely take my revenge on her and will live a peaceful life with My Yn. I hope god will listen to her and mine prayers.

Yn-shi! I love you. I don't want to ignore you but that dorry she has secretly fixed a tracking chip inside my body that will help her to listen everything and she can track us very easily. She is too clever. I know her more than anything. We have dated for 4 years. She is a total Bitch.

"But don't worry let mw get on my legs again. I will take their legs off their body."


How was it? Lame? So sorry for this actually as it is holi i ain't gettung time to write a chapter so i just wrote it in hurry.

But still hope you like it....

Have a good night/day...

Love you~

~Your author nim.

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