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One month later...
Yn's pov....

"Omo yniee you look so good in this gown" irene squeezed making me chuckle at the same time. "I know right, after all it's taehyung's choice." Irene agreed, "His taste is good in both girl and dress lol." I laughed. "By the way where is your bunny huh? Flirting with girls again?" I asked lauging. "Yah yn i'm not flirting with anyone other that my baby, irene pleasee talk to me huhu." Jungkook whined while entering the room. "You both fought again?" I asked looking at them in disbelief and shook my head. "He is the reason this time." Irene pouted angrily, "He is the reason always, isn't he irene?" I asked her looking at her with my side gaze making her gulp.

"Clear between you too fast!!" I commanded them. "I'm sorry kookie, i drank your banana milk again." Irene apolozised. They both are cute, aren't they? They always fight for small small things. And on the other hand me and taehyung we never fight, basically he doesn't stay at home most of the time because of his work. Huhu i miss my old tae. Well he loves me either way too and i'm happy woth that so i won't complain. He wanted our marriage to be more elegant so he proposed me again 2 weeks ago and obviously i agreed. Like who wouldn't marry a real life anime man like him? Am i right?

I don't know why but these days i feel like vomiting all the time. Maybe i'm eating very unhealthy food now a days? I don't know. "Yahh yn let's goo!! Don't you wanna marry taehyung?" I was taken out from my thoughts bcz of her loud shout which to be honest scared the creep out of me. "Agh you scared me irene. Let's go-" again i felt like vomiting and quickly went to washroom and i could feel them running. "Yah ynie are you ok?" Irene patted my back while i vomited, "yeah maybe i ate too much today let's go now he must be waiting." I gave a smile which said 'i'm ok' and they nodded.

I was finally walking down the aisle with my father again marrying the same guy, but many things were different this time. I was walking with a smile on my face, my dad lovingly took my to taehyung and he was now standing with happy teary eyes which showed that how much he loves me. "Take care of my daughter, taehyungiee"my dad said to taehyung who nodded immediately making me smile. "You look very pretty mrs. Kim." Tae wishpered in my ears making me smile, "you too are looking very handsome mr. Kim." "Yah i always look handsome." He pouted. "If you both lovers are done talking then please let the priest start your wedding or you wanna fight on this topic?" They both heard Jin shouting at them making them look down and laugh a little. With that the priest started saying the vows and the lovers repeated after him.

"Now you may kiss the bride" as the priest said taehyung began to come close to yn but yn's vission became blurry and in a blink of eyes she fainted in taehyung's arm making everyone present their shock. "Yn? YN!! What happened?!!" Taekyung panicked "hyung! Jin hyung please see what happened to her." "Wait lemme check taehyung." Jin the checked yn's pulse and it was normal. Jin called his friend who was a female doctor to check more carefully and to know what has happened to her.

"Seokjin?" A female voice was heard after waiting for few minutes and jin ran to her and brought her towards where yn was lying on the sofa. "What happened to her?" The female doctor asked. "She fainted, Jisso." Jin replied. "Please check on her dr. Jisso." Taehyung who was right now crying asked her. "Yes." "Umm.. dr. She vomitted too before coming here but she said that maybe it was because of her eating junkfood a lot." Irene informed jisso making her nod. After some time when jisso completed doing some basics checks she asked taehyung to take yn to her clinic as she has to do some physical tests to be sure about what she was thinking. Taehyung took yn to where jisso told them to be.

Yn was awake at this time when jisso did some of more tests and was now clear about what she was thinking. "Mr. Kim and mrs. Kim i'm happy to tell you that you are pregnant." Jisso said and the world stopped for a minute for both of them. It was happinees? Suprise? Shock? They were not able to decide what was it but after coming back into the real world they both squeezed in happiness making jisso and jin smile. "WOW TAEHYUNG WE ARE PREGNANT. I CAN'T BELEIVE THISSSSS. YOU KNOW FOR HOW LONG I WAS WAITING FOR THIS AND IT'S FINALLY HAPPENING AHHSJEJSJEBDID I'M SO HAPPY FOR US AND OUR BABY.." Yn was beyond happy and hugged taehyung in excitment but there was something that jisso didn't informed them about and was afraid if it would make there happiness turn into sadness? And jin noticed it.

"What happened? Is there something you are hidding?" Jin asked jisso in a whisper. Ofcourse he can read jisso like a book now as they have been friends from past 10 yrs now and same goes for jisso. "Umm... Let's talk about it in my office come." Jisso said and jin nodded. "Stay here you both and congrats i'm happy for you both." Jin said while hugging taehyung. "Thanks hyung." Taehyung smiled.

In jisso's cabin~

"WHAT!! but how can this happen? She is perfectly fine." Jin was beyond shick after hearing jisso "i know but she does ever got into any accident?" Jisso asked concerned. "I dont-" Until jin remembered that yn got shot once he panicked. How will i say this to taehyung? He was not expecting this. "Yeah yn got gunshot once." As a tear escaped his eyes. "That's the reason of complications in yn's pregnancy." Jisso sighed deeply and noticed jin's tears and hugged him slightly.

Little did they know that someone heard their conversation.
Lame chapter ,ain't it?

𝑯𝒆𝒓 𝑷𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒍𝒚𝒛𝒆𝒅 𝒉𝒖𝒔𝒃𝒂𝒏𝒅↪κτн✔️[UNDER EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now