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George regretted every word he said, he was angry at his father and took it out on Dream. He didn't mean what he said, Dream has actually made his life better in a way, he wasn't so alone. But now he fucked everything up with stupid words that tasted of poison on his tongue. He wanted to go after Dream but he was to fast and maybe it would be better if he had time to himself. George went through the rest of the day feeling guilty he didn't see Dream or sapnap at all. During lunch he decided that it would be better to explain everything to Dream, tell him it was out of built up anger and frustration. He sat in the field at lunch thinking, he wished his mom was here because she somehow always knew what to do and what to say to make everything better. "What do I do mom" he whispered as a tear rolled down his cheek, he didn't wipe it away just closed his eyes to bathed in the warmth of the sun, it felt like a hug to him, one of comfort, not like the ones his father gives. George got out his phone and opened dreams contact, hesitating then typing out a message

Dream ✨🖕

Dream can we please meet at the park after school
I want to apologize and explain what happened

George was left on read, all he could do was hope that Dream would listen and go to the park once school was over. The lunch bell rang and George got up, going back inside for his class.

Dreams phone buzzes, he woke up a little while ago and was telling sapnap what happened. He felt a little stupid for getting so upset when George said those things to him, for some reason it just felt different to when others call him names. He picked up his phone and read the message then showed it to sapnap "should I go" sapnap look up from the phone "I mean why not, he wants to apologize so at least he feels bad about it" Dream gave a hum and nod of agreement "you think he'll tell me why his face was all bruised" sap sighed "I don't know but ether way it's not really your business is it"

"Ya I guess"


School is now over and George is walking to the park, Dream wasn't seen at all throughout the day making him nervous that he will even show up at all.

It's not to far a walk though George usually has to go straight home after school and will leave only has far as the front yard when his father is home. He used to go to the park often once upon a time ago but after his mothers death he couldn't bare to face the spot they spent so much time.

He finally arrived at the park and went to go sit on a swing and wait for the blond to show up, hopefully. 

It's been about twenty minutes and George was close to giving up and going home, it didn't look like Dream was coming. He sighed and prepared to get up but then herd footsteps approaching. Dream took a seat beside him and didn't say anything, he didn't even look at George just sat watching the horizon. George looked over and took a deep breath before begging to speak "I-" he sighed and tried to collect his thoughts. Somehow everything he planned to say just vanished from his mind "dream-" he got cut off "tell me why your face is bruised" they both finally made eye contact although it was more like dream looking at George's bruises while George tried making eye contact. "I'm sorry, my dad-he-found out we were friends I guess, so he-after-when he got home he-" dream finally made eye contact and he look horrified at the realization the George's dad would do that to him. "George I am so sorry, I didn't know, can I help in anyway"

George was about to respond but suddenly a loud barely sober man cane storming up to them, it was George's dad. "GEORGE WHAT DID I SAY ABOUT BEING AROUND THAT FAG" both dream and George looked scared shitless especially as George was grabbed by the arm and dragged away "where are you taking me, let me go dad" he tried to mode away but wasn't strong enough "WERE GOING TO GET OUT THE DEVIL THIS BOY HAS SPREAD TO YOU" dream grabbed George and tried to get him free but he was punched to the ground and hit his head on a rock nocking him unconscious. George's dad kept dragging him all the way to the church while he fought to get free.

Hi everyone how are ya
I got my class schedule already 😬

Eat, drink, sleep
Have an awesome day/night

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