Hazen Hates Tuition

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Fuck him.

Fuck him.

The very first words that came to Hazen's mind when Professor Selwyn allowed him to leave her classroom. The classes for the day were over and the students had already returned to their common rooms, so the hallways were empty when Hazen, frustrated as he was, walked through them.

Not only did Hazen have to work after school, no, it just had to be with him, of all people. He could go and kiss Voldemort, for all Hazen cared. Hazen didn't want to meet up with him after classes.

Lost in thoughts, he furrowed his dark eyebrows. He wouldn't do it. They couldn't force him... But at the same time that would make him lose his perfect score, so Hazen didn't want that. All his previous, hard work would've been for nothing, he'd lose the chances he had for a great and bright future and all that just because of him.

No. Fuck him. That sunshine and unicorn guy wouldn't ruin his future.

It was Hazen, who ruined other people's lives. Not the other way around.

No, Hazen would have to do it, if not for himself.... That didn't mean he had to do it well, though. Maybe he could be so bad that they'd cancel the tuitions with him and they'd have to find another tutor.

A smirk crept onto Hazen's lips. That sounded like a plan. That guy's grades weren't his problem, after all. And maybe seeing him fail would cheer Hazen up, who knew. Only the first meeting could tell.

"What's gotten you so cheery?" Cassy joined him in the hallway leading to the their common room, deep in the basement of the castle. Usually, if someone snuck up on him like that, he'd threaten to punch them - maybe even do it. But since it was Cassy and he'd have to get criticised by their orphanage's 'Mum' if he was mean to her, Hazen only rolled his eyes.

"When do I ever tell you about my life?" It wasn't even a question. He just wanted to remind her.

"Fair point." Cassy rolled her eyes, too. Was she mocking him? "Just wanted to see if maybe you'd like to start."

It was her fault, really, for sticking with him. He'd made his intentions clear from the first time they'd recognised each other, back when Cassy had joined the orphanage two years ago.

They were only siblings by paper. Strictly speaking not even that. They didn't share a parent, not even an adoptive one.
Hazen wasn't close with anyone, he wouldn't make that mistake. If Cassy hadn't noticed that yet, it was her own fault... And she'd be stupid not to, because everybody picked up on that fact very quickly. At Hogwarts and in the orphanage.
Don't go near Hazen Davies.

"I don't. Leave me alone, Cassiopeia."

Hazen couldn't say how often he'd told her that very same sentence. And Cassiopeia never gave up on him.

He hated it.

Even this time, she only rolled her eyes and walked past him, fixing her hold on her bag. She threw a pointed look at him, blew one of her jet black braids away from her face and probably reached the common room way sooner than Hazen did.

Not that he minded. He preferred being alone. Less people around meant less distracting emotions.
Which is exactly why Hazen, once he'd reached the silver and green elegantly decorated rooms, didn't go for his favourite seats. Thanks to his little talk with Professor Selwyn, he'd arrived so late that all the nice seats were taken. Of course, if Hazen wanted to, he could always scare away the little children, for they all knew and feared his broody and dark outer appearance, but it was attention Hazen didn't want.

So he sat down far away from the warm fireplace, in a dark corner with a lonely chair standing in front of a desk. Nobody liked this corner, so Hazen found himself sitting there quite often, just to have his peace and alone time.

A time he'd have less of in the future. Alone time replaced with him. He couldn't imagine anything worse.
Hazen rolled his eyes as he took out his quill, ink and a roll of parchment for the Defense Against the Dark Arts essay Professor Bones had requested.

And that's when Hazen entered his natural habitat: studying.

All those good grades didn't come from nothing.
Hazen couldn't think of a time in his life where he hadn't studied.
He didn't play Quidditch, he didn't meet up with anyone, he wasn't a prefect. All that was left for him was studying, something Hazen didn't mind doing. It was better than being bored, and if you didn't have friends you either had to be bored or do stuff by yourself. Hazen chose to do the latter. He didn't particularly enjoy studying, but he liked the results he got: Good grades meant a good, bright, independent and successful career. Stability.

He'd just never expected to be forced to give tuition. And this thought was something he definitely very much didn't enjoy.

Well, Hazen didn't like a lot of things - humans being one of them - but giving tuition certainly landed on top of his list.
Especially when it was tuition lessons for him.

Hi everyone, I'm so glad you've decided to give this story a try! I hope you'll like it and like what you read so far!
What are your thoughts so far?

I have to mention that this story is a spin-off (kinda sequal) to my Sirius Black Fanfiction "Love you in my mind". This story might contain spoilers, so if you are interested in reading both stories, you should definitely read the other one first :)

All this aside:
Welcome to my attempt of a new Gen Fanfiction!
I wanted to finish writing this story first (it won't be very long, it's meant as a light, nice and short read), before releasing the chapters I've written already (to make sure that the story won't get boring along the way), but I thought I'd maybe release a few updates along the way.... Comments always motivate me to write, so I might write quicker then🙈.
And it might give me a few more plot ideas, who knows.

What has to be said is that English is not my native language - so if you spot grammar or spelling mistakes, please tell me so I can correct them and therefore make the reading experience much more enjoyable :)

... And also, if you spam my comment section (nicely) I'll love you forever <3 ^^

I hope you keep reading!
Stay happy!

Xoxo, your fangirl

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