Hazen Hates Chocolate

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Not even Hazen's favourite food, lasagna, could lift his mood.

He was angry. Pissed. Not just at the blue haired boy laughing by the Hufflepuff table, surrounded by his crowd of friends, but at himself too.

One week had passed and now he'd have to endure another one of these merlin-forsaken tuition lessons. Lupin hadn't canceled, and that just made Hazen hate him even more.

He didn't even try to hide his glare as he counted the people Lupin was chatting with happily - without a bother in the world.


He was just oh so popular and sooooo loved by everyone.
What the actual fuck??
None of them could tutor him?!
Why Hazen?
This was ridiculous.

Hazen realised how tightly he was gripping his cutlery, so he quickly set them down and hid his clenched fists beneath the table instead.

He hated all of it. Yet his mind didn't come up with a good or better plan to change his situation without turning to the teachers.

He'd have to keep pissing Lupin off until he'd cancel. What an exhausting plan. Maybe he should just straight up tell Lupin to kindly fuck off and find someone else... But that'd be refusing and it might end up affecting his well deserved marks.

"If you want to keep your teeth I'd suggest you don't clench your jaw as hard as you're doing right now."

His last straw. Of course Cassy wouldn't take the hints and sat down on his lonely end of the table. And now she even had the nerves to talk to him.

"Cassiopeia, just leave. Me. Alone. My problems are none of your business and I just want my alone time! When will you ever get that into your head!?"

Hazen could see hints of a blush appear on her dark cheeks, but aside from that only her blinking showed how confused she was at his outburst.

He'd never snapped like that before. A part deep inside him wanted to say sorry, but at the same time, he did want to be left alone and Cassy never seemed to respect it. He'd have snapped like this sooner or later.... Or wouldn't he?

Even the few Slytherins sitting closest to them turned their heads to him. Hazen was angry and broody, yes. But he was all of it quietly.

He looked straight ahead to avoid all of the stares, but things only got worse when he realised that he was looking at the Hufflepuff table. Laughing and chattering rang in his head.
His chest clenched.

This was all Lupin's fault! Knowing he'd have to keep giving these lessons was messing with his head. The laughter from their table distracted and annoyed him. Lupin was aggravating!

Hazen had lost his composure just because of him. He felt like screaming, but he already had more eyes on him than he fancied.

So he kept his jaw clenched and his hands in fists as he abruptly stood up and left the Great Hall.


He was glad that he only had to take very few steps until he was out of sight. So he hurried through the doorway, turned right and walked a few steps so that definitely no one would be close by as he punched the wall.

He wanted to scream. Maybe cry out of pure anger and frustration. What the hell was wrong with him!?
That question alone made him even angrier and he punched the wall again.

The sharp pain on his palms was a nice distraction from his racing heart and the burning, fiery sensation in his chest.
Don't focus on your chest. Focus on the stinging in your hands.

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