Teddy Likes His Family

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'He was so proud to tell us that you turned out to be a Metamorphmagus just like your mother. He said that you started changing your hair colour only a few days after being born - your favourite was blue.'

Teddy smiled as he turned the page of the rather old notebook. There was a picture of a small family: His father wearing a warm and soft smile on his scarred but happy face, his mother, young and beautiful and with her bright bubblegum pink hair, and then the baby with the light blue hair on top of his head, sleeping in his mother's arms.

It was the picture he based his hair colour on. It felt natural.... And like a special connection to that very precious and short moment of his life.

No matter what anyone said, Teddy wouldn't change it. The style maybe - he secretly even suspected that he wouldn't have curls if it weren't for his metamorphmagus abilities - but never the colour.

It was a part of his mother he always carried with him. It wasn't Hazen's business, so Teddy couldn't blame him for being insensitive. He'd never even really mentioned that he was a Metamorphmagus - some people noticed, even more people didn't.... It wasn't something he liked to get attention for, so he never intentionally used his powers when people were watching.
He already had more than enough attention just because he was Harry Potter's godson.

So no, no more reasons to get attention.

He sighed as he turned to the next page and wiped his eyes. He wasn't crying, but he had to admit that his eyes were burning. He wanted to hug his Granny - or Uncle Harry. They were his only family and the ones that had given Teddy this little memorial book on his sixth birthday. His most prized possession. In it were so many pictures and all the things his grandmother and Harry remembered about his parents and the things they had said in the one month that they had spent as a happy, young family.

He wasn't usually so sensitive when he opened the book. Most of the time he was happy - but for some reason he felt lonely today and just wanted to hug Granny or Harry. Lioba was at Quidditch practice, so Teddy spent his early evening alone in his dormitory, just to not have to talk to the rest of his friends until he was ready and less emotional. He'd explain then.


"Did you hear?" Linus helped himself shovel bacon on his plate. The morning sun was shining on his blond hair, making it almost painfully bright to look at him.
"Harry Potter is coming here on the 28th, Professor Longbottom has invited him over again."

"What!?" screeched Lioba, only now looking up from her Potions book. She squinted her eyes at Teddy on her left.
"You bastard, did you know??"

Teddy was way too stunned to speak. What were the odds?? Only yesterday he'd wanted to see his godfather, and now he'd come in a few weeks? Teddy couldn't have made up a bigger coincidence if he'd tried.

Just when his head was clear enough for him to reply, he laughed light-heartedly. "No! Oh Merlin, he didn't tell me!"

"I mean, why would he?" Caroline, one of Lioba's closer friends smirked at him. "He probably wants you to still have surprises, too. Would be boring if you knew everything in advance.... There's gonna be enough of that when his children visit Hogwarts."

"We won't be at school with them though, they're too young," her identical twin sister Isabelle chimed up, pointing a spoon full of strawberry yogurt at Caroline.

"Besides," Lioba put her knife down and lifted her toast to her mouth. "He won't tell them more than he tells Teddy. Harry spoils Teddy just as much as he spoils his biological children."

Her choice of words made Teddy's chest feel warm and he unconsciously smiled from ear to ear.

Lioba hadn't finished yet. "And there's Ginny! She'll make sure that Harry won't blabber too much to James, so that he can't ruin the surprises for the rest of his classmates... So all of our younger siblings should be safe."

"Aaalways have the answer for everything, don't you, Lee?"

The buzzing feeling in Teddy subsided... He didn't like the tone of that statement and his protective walls snapped up when he saw Lioba's smile falter. She hid it well by taking a big bite out of her marmalade toast, but Teddy noticed it anyway.

He knew that his irises had already darkened a tiny little bit, turning the milky chocolate colour into a dark chocolate one, when he narrowed his eyes at Jayden - a boy that jumped between two groups of friends and was now sitting next to Caroline opposite Lioba... Judging her expression, the dark haired twin didn't seem too happy about it, though.

"Better share too much knowledge than repeatedly prove the lack thereof," Teddy said as casually as he could and softly nudged Lioba's leg with his right one. She smiled softly at him in response. Both of the two couldn't really stand up for themselves... But strangely enough they could always stand up for the other. Teddy couldn't stand people being mean to Lioba, and vice versa. It had been their dynamic since day one.

Jayden didn't seem all too impressed, even though Linus, Isabelle, Caroline and their other friend Rhys were exchanging smug smiles, and for a second Teddy wished he were as quick and effortlessly good at insulting as Davies was.... Coming up with that had taken him too long and it had stressed him out way too much... And he wasn't happy with what he'd said in the end either.

He sighed mentally. Oh man.

Since Teddy was sitting in the direction that was facing the Slytherin table, he subconsciously snuck a glance at the desi boy - only to find him looking right back, as broody and angry and mysterious looking as always. A sharp jolt shot through Teddy's chest when their eyes met, a mixture of surprise, embarrassement and fear, but Davies immediately turned his face downward, so Teddy did, too.

His heart was racing painfully much, and he didn't even know why it had affected him so much to see Davies staring at him - because it literally was the same angry look Davies always gave him, there was nothing special about it. He'd prefer it if Davies never looked at him at all, if the only alternative was that glare.

One fact remained, though. Davies had glared at him; angry and maliciously calculating. The gears beneath these dark curls were spinning.

So as Teddy finished his breakfast and walked to Herbology with his friends, he was determined to make Davies pay for that look.

Oh, he was going to crush the Slytherin's plan, whatever it was. He wasn't going to let him win with his evil scheming.

I know this is late but I was away on vacation and didn't have the time to update sooner, so you'll only hear it from me now:


seems fitting that I update my lgbt+ story now, I can't just not celebrate it a little
-especially since this is the first pride month after I figured out that I'm one of the letters in the '+' so hey, wooo, I love yall and you all better love yourselves too! 💙😌

Stay happy!
Xoxo, your fangirl :)

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