please lets go prt 1

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                ADIRA'S POV
It's the next morning and we are all heading to Mystic Falls. For some reason I get a feeling that something is gonna happen and it's for the good and the bad. "Today is finally the day we make it to Mystic Falls,no more hotels and waking up early. Also dad called and said everything is going well and he loves us." Allison says, I miss my dad and my bed and everyone else back in Beacon Hills,even if I do complain a lot about being there. We have a good thirty minutes before we get there, I need to call my aunt Elena to tell her we're almost there.

"Took you long enough to call again,it's been months I've missed you." Elena says on the other end of the phone. "Well guess who's not even twenty mins away and has friends with her who are dying to meet my family back home." I say smiling knowing she's gonna be excited. "Omg my niece is finally visiting home omg omg,meet us all at the Salvatore house." Elena says yelling with excitement and I then I hear my Uncle Damon in the background. "Adira when you get here we need to talk, it's important for you to know in person." He says,but then Elena says something that for some reason gave me goosebumps.

"She's not ready for that information yet,that's why we didn't tell Stefan because you know he would tell her." is all she says before she tells me everyone will be waiting for our arrival. We are now in Mystic Falls,I see the sign that states the towns name. "Where are we going Adira ?" Allison asks, "How about I drive the rest of the way and you text the boys to tell them to follow me." I tell her as the two of switch seats.

Making our way into the trees on the gravel road we pull up to the house I've known since the day I was born and have so many great memories in. Outside stands Caroline,Stefan,Damon,Elena,and Stephanie. Before we left Beacon Hills I was told aunt Josie and Lizzie are visiting Bonnie and Enzo for the year. I wish they were here,but I'll see them next time. I get out the car and run to hug Stefan,he's the closest bond I've have here since he was the one who help raise my aunt Hope when all Alaric did was use her for her power.

"Uncle Stefan I've missed you so much." I say as I hug him tight. "I've missed you too kiddo,you've gotten so big and you look just like your aunt literally." He says laughing. "Well she did help keep me alive with a spell when I was in the womb that some how effected who I looked like." When my got pregnant with me she had complications especially since she's a vampire and got pregnant by a human,somehow since she wasn't a full on vampire her other power aloud her to conceive,but what she didn't know was that I could die. The first person she told about me was my aunt Hope.

My aunt did a spell that connected me to her and kept me from dying,I just didn't know that the spell drained her power and I took it in along with her features, now she looks more older and I look just like her when she first turned,just like how she looked before the spell . She's dying and it's basically all because of me. "Hey don't look like that, I know that look to well and it's not your fault,if she had to do it all over again she would for you. Stefan says and I give him a smile. Everyone meets each other and have small talk while I take a walk to clear my head. Being back here makes me think about why I left and how my life went.

Sometimes I wish I was a human,but at the same time I glad to be who I am. "Hey,ummm Stiles is looking for you are you okay?"  Stephanie walks up beside me waiting for an answer. "Yeah it's just everything is kinda coming back to me from before I left you all." I tell her walking to sit on the bench right in front of John B's grave. We put him to rest out here since him in the pogues lived not even 10 minutes away. Somethings different about his grave though. "Adira you can't be here right now we both can't,let's go." Steph says in a nervous tone pulling me to get up. "Steph what are you talking about,I just wanted to visit him since I haven't in so long." I tell her not moving from my spot trying not to get upset with her right now.

"Look we just can't be here especially at this time,please let's go home..."  she pauses her statement, I hear a voice that I will never forget and another voice that also sounded familiar. "Tell me I'm hearing things Stephanie please tell me I am." I say with tears threatening to spill out. "Adira he's not the same person anymore please let's go and don't look back. She says,but I need to know if what I hear is actually there. I turn around and there he is standing with Kie. "Stephanie Salvatore tell me the truth and nothing,but the truth right now." I demand from her. "Adira please let's go." She keeps saying that and that's not what I want to hear. "Tell me now please or it's gonna get ugly out here." I say to her not realizing my eyes are glowing along with my whole body,they can't see me and Steph since we are hidden in the trees.

"When you left,a couple months later I went to go check on the pogues like I always do.As I went to knock on the screen door I saw him sitting there on the couch like everything was normal,I thought I was seeing things till I realized it was really him. Nobody saw me that night so I didn't even knock I just left and went home to tell my parents,they are the only two who know besides me. My mom thought that you weren't ready to know he never really died and why he faked his death." She pulls me out of site so they wouldn't see us. "Wait what do you mean he faked his death?" I ask not knowing if I was more hurt or mad at the whole situation.

"That night you got the phone call he did get almost burned alive,but he never died. He pretended to love you to help your mother with her plan,which is to kill you before you turn 18. Adira John B is a hunter and so is Kie,why do you think JJ calls you everyday.The only reason you haven't heard from the other pogues is because they haven't been seen since the day John B came out of hiding. Sarah and Pope were coming to Beacon Hills to explain it all,but I think they were kidnapped by your mother." Everything Steph is saying is a lot to take in,I need to get home now before I explode. "Stephanie you need to get me back home now." I tell her trying to take deep breath's.

who would've thought that everything would go wrong just like that?

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