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This part Allison had to pick who she should be when she was unconscious in limbo without her knowing. Pope set for Allison to come back right when the fight was about to start. Sorry if that's confusing.

I keep hearing whispers as I walk through limbo where I woke up on the ground. "Allison it's time to go home now." I see Hope, Adira's aunt standing beside me. " How did I get here?I was just walking through the football field waiting on Kie to get back." I say in confusion. "Since when did you and Kie become friends,and second someone is calling you home with a spell." Hope says giving me a helping hand up. "I ran into Kie when i first got here and I did torture her,but as I got words out of her I found out that she was being brainwashed by John B and your sister." I tell her still hearing the whispers. " I wish we had time to talk more,but it's time you go back home Allison and live life again." she gives me a warm smile. "Listen to the whispers and as you do close your and clear your mind" She tells me holding both my hands. " Are you going to be okay here by yourself?" I ask her before doing so. " Tell Stefan that I heard his talk with Scott and my sister,and that he has been the best father ever even if he wasn't completely there.And tell my sister that I forgive her and I'll see her when she gets here. Oh and most but not least tell my niece that her Aunt Hope loves her so much and she's proud of her." I see a tear slide down her red crimson cheek with a small smile. "I'll make sure they get the message." I hug her and close my eyes before everything goes black.

I wake up on my bed,how though? I get up and walk towards my fathers office looking for him. "Dad are you in here?" I open the door and there he is loading his guns. He stares at me in shock as he drops the one and the bullets. "Allison your alive." He runs and hugs me as he kissed the top of my head with wet tears dripping from his chin. "Dad where's Adira?" I ask him. He stares at me for a moment then looks at the ground taking a long breath."She lives with the Salvatore's because I tried to kill her.Allison I lost you and I blamed it on her,but I never thought I would try to kill her. Adira probably doesn't want anything to do with me,but we need to go help her, she needs us." He says going back to grab his weapons. He throws me my arrows and knives. And without a second thought I run out the door with my dad.

"I need to find Adira" I say rushing out the car running towards everyone. "Lydia sees me first and she runs and hugs me so tight I can barely breathe." I hug her back as tears both stream down our faces. "I knew we would get you back." she says letting out a small laugh wiping her tears. She moved to the side and there everyone stands staring at me with tears. "Hi guys,you missed me?" They all run and hug me,but JJ waves at me as he stands to the side with a girl I never met. I shrug it off looking around for my sister,Scott,Stiles,and Steph. "Where's the others?" I say looking around. "Uhhh they are currently inside fighting supernatural creatures and Pope." The girl standing with JJ speaks. Caroline,Damon,and Elena all take off running towards the gym.

My dad finally makes his way over and everyone prepares to attack. "What makes you think you should be here Chris?" I remember to be Bonnie's husband says to my dad. "I come here to help,after that day I tried to kill Adira I regretted it and I knew that she was safe with you all so I never came looking for her." My dad say putting his hands up. They don't stand down so I step in. "Guys he is telling the truth,he would never lie to me." I tell them, they back off,but still not sure what's true or not. "Allison I see you've made it back." I turn around to see Bonnie smiling at me. "That's not Bonnie,that's Adira's so called mother." Malia says showing her K-nines and blue eyes. "Okay,ummm Miracle how are you here?" I ask her with a raised eyebrow. "Pope brought her back to try and distract us by letting Miracle kill Adira." Isaac says quietly. I stare at Miracle before walking away. "I need to see my sister." I say storming off in anger.

Pope comes plummeting out of the gym doors hitting the ground. Lydia pulls me back pulling me behind her car. "This fight is between Adira,Steph,and Pope. None of us can help them." She tells me keeping me down. "Why can't we help,her aunts and uncles can." I say getting frustrated. "They are helping kill of the other supernaturals that are helping Pope, if it gets out of hand we will jump in." She tells me. I peep around the corner and there I see Scott and Adira. Steph is laying unconscious with her parents trying to wake her up. Adira is fighting Pope,but he hits her in the side that makes her hit the ground. At that moment everyone rushes in and I make Lydia stay with JJ as I join Isaac and Malia in the fight. The girl I have no clue who she is eyes turn yellow,she's a beta.

As I fight I off a couple vampires I turn to look at Scott.He must've felt me looking because he stared at me in shock till he heard Adira let out a scream. He runs to adira as Pope puts deep cuts in both sides of her. "Leave her the hell alone Pope." Scott says jumping and tuning into his wolf form. Aiming for Pope,Scott gets in the way of my arrow that glides through the air.I hear a loud scream come from Lydia. I look down to see Scott with a wound near his heart. Omg I just hit him with my arrow,my arrow that wasn't meant for him.I run over to him,but the unknown girl makes it over to him first. She holds him in her arms and kisses him. I stop in my tracks standing at a distance. I look over to see Adira limping over to Scott. Nothing but guilt washes over me. As my father grabs me from almost collapsing from the pain of what I just did, I get out of his grasp running to see Scott laying there breathless. Adira has tears streaming down her face as she repeats the same words over and over. "Please don't leave me Scott,I need you." I drop down next to her and she stares at me for a minute, I just hug her as I cry not even paying attention to the girl that holds him. The unknown girl starts doing CPR on the love of my life as I sit there in shock.My father tries pulling me away from Scott's body again.

I hear another scream from Lydia that shakes the whole ground. And when I look over I see pope standing over my sister with a long metal pole. She gets up still trying to accept that Scott maybe gone. She looks at Pope with hatred in her eyes,is her humanity off? "You just took away one of the people I love more than anything ,the Pope I once knew is long gone and I can see he's not coming back." The tears she once had are gone and she runs towards Pope as he laughs. Stiles comes over debating if he should help Adira. "Stiles remember we can't help her,this is something she has to do on her own." Stefan yells as he's holding Steph in his arms handing her to Isaac. "Stiles doesn't listen,he runs to attack Pope. Stefan rushes and knocks him out before he could make it. "Damon take him to the car,he will be fine." Stefan yells.

I see Miracle and or Bonnie run over to Scott with tears streaming down her face. Why is she emotional about Scott? Miracle glides her hand down his face whispering something. She gets up walking towards me. Lydia let's out yet another scream,but this one is powerful than the others. a force knocks everyone down. The fighting of Adira and Pope go silent. I look over and there's a sword going through Pope,he's dying. Miracle drops to the ground and I hear her call my name. I rush over to her. "Bring Adira back with the help of Steph." Adira falls to the ground passed out. "She's okay,she will be in limbo and not for long.Now I'm dying and I would do it all over again for my daughter so with a that being said tell your father I said thank you for raising her for me and I'm sorry." She says slowly loosing her breath. I almost forgot to tell her what Hope said. "Miracle,Hope wants you to know she forgives you and she'll see you on the other side." I smile at her with glossed over eyes. Miracle smiles as she looks over at Stefan. His eyes are blood shot red as he's holding my sister in his arms. "Stefan be the true father you are to Adira for me please, I never stopped loving you. Always and forever." Her last words were her last breath as she lays lifeless. I stare between Adira and Stefan confused and he looks at me in sorrow. What have I missed since I've been gone?
This chapter was so long and I tried fitting everyone in one chapter.

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