. 📁 EVIDENCE files g1

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🗂. . . INTRODUCING . . .🗂


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anyways welcome readers to the evidence files where you get to see oversimplified notes from interrogations within agatha's notepad<3

(( including notes that reveal the truth beyond any interrogation - just for you readers

◢◤◢◤ Dream Neumann
• became close with victim
• has revealed information about other leads being close to victim
• tells more detail about sapnap and victim's prior relationship

◢◤◢◤ Sapnap McMillan
• became romantically connected with victim roughly over a year ago
• admits to having a strong bond and overall stable relationship
• became nervous over the fact that their relationship is considered undeclared
• admitted information about victim being involved with "shady" people
• mentions past with another ex who took financial advantage of victim. in contrast, he got very defensive when the conversation shifted to him possibly being taken advantaged of
( ( has not mentioned conversations between him and karl of wanting to be in a poly relationship with f/n due to undisclosed feelings ) )

◢◤◢◤   Karl Jacobs
• became close with victim
• no incriminating details throughout interrogation
• has made it clear that him and victim always hung out as friends and he clearly cares about them
• seemed pretty nervous
( ( has not mentioned going as far as falling in love with f/n ) )

◢◤◢◤   Quackity Saõ Paulo
• became close with victim
• has hung out one on one a lot
• no incriminating details throughout interrogation
• similar details to karl jacobs's interrogation
• makes it clear that him and victim are strictly friends

◢◤◢◤   Bad Halo
• seemed nervous or anxious at some points in interrogation — particularly at questions that were too personal about victim
• no specifically incriminating details throughout interrogation
• has talked lightheartedly about victim always hanging out at the house
• has emphasized being close friends with victim yet all interrogations so far suggest nobody knows any personal details about victim
( ( never mentioned underlying obsession over f/n ) )

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