Moments too late...pt2

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Previously: Y/n: he's getting away look! I'll run ahead and catch him

B: Okay ill find another way around
* After 2 minutes of chasing the riddler i trapped  him in a dead end alleyway*

R: oh no looks like the predator caught the prey huh? *small smirk starts to show*

Y/n: what the hell are you talking about and what's that behind your back. Your no prey your a PSYCHO!

R: oh dear... you've hurt my feelings 

Y/n: Why... why are you doing these crimes tour a good guy. *slowly i walked up to him*

R: oh.. I was once but I've changed and so have you dear y/n. I'm sorry but I have to get rid of you forever

*all of a sudden a loud bang went off and I went numb all over next thing you know riddler runs away as batman runs to me*

B: Y/N! NO hey come on stay with me y/n

Y/n: I'm sorry bruce I should've stayed with you

B: hey no no no no its okay just stay with me please

Y/n: I'm sorry I can't..... *Those were the latest words I ever said*

B: y/n Wait no please Y/N STAY WITH ME LOVE............ I'm so sorry

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