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Harry was nervous. Snape wanted to talk to him that morning. Obviously, it was about his relatives, given that the Auror who was investigating the Dursleys was coming there after breakfast.

He and Blaise had been so tired when they returned to the common room that they both fell asleep on the couch, Harry wrapped up in Blaise and a fluffy green blanket. Pansy and Tracey  cooed over them the next morning, and Draco looked amused.

Their affectionate gazes vanished when Blaise told them about the compulsion. The girls looked furious, and Draco promised to write his father for protective jewelry. ("What? Who dares curse Harry?! My father will hear about this!")

They all insisted on taking Harry to Snape's quarters, not wanting him to be alone for a minute.

"From now on," Pansy declared, "you need to be with at least three people, Harry. And it would be best if you stayed in public areas."

Harry opened his mouth to protest, but Blaise pulled him back into his arms and he found that he couldn't.

The five of them left the dungeons and stopped at the entrance to Snape's quarters.

"Good morning, Heiresses Parkinson and Davis, and Heirs Potter, Malfoy, and Zabini," Salazar said calmly.

"Good morning, Lord Slytherin," Blaise returned. "Professor  Snape asked to see Harry this morning."

Salazar nodded. "One moment." He disappeared for a few moments, then returned and said, "He'll be here momentarily. He must be brewing Harry's Christmas present again."

Harry blinked in surprise. "He..."

"Oh dear," Salazar said innocently, making Harry's friend smirk. "I appear to have let Severus' secret slip. I don't suppose you could forget I said anything?"

Harry giggled. "Maybe...."

The portrait door opened and Snape appeared, mock scowling. "Salazar, for claiming to respect secrets," the man said sourly, eyes twinkling, "you often don't."

"I have no idea what you're talking about, Severus," Salazar hummed. Harry giggled again.

"You four can go to breakfast," Snape told Draco, Blaise, and the girls. "He is safe with me."

Harry's friends promised to meet up with him later, and they headed up to the Great Hall. Harry entered the quarters, saying goodbye to Salazar.

"Would you like some eggs and bacon?" Snape offered as he led Harry into the kitchen rather than the living room. It was bigger than the Dursleys' kitchen, and nicer. The tops of the counters were made of silver marble and the bottom was midnight blue, the walls were emerald, and the floor was the color of obsidian.

"Can -- May I help?" Harry asked hesitantly. "I make the meals at home, and the Dursleys didn't complain."

Snape's expression tightened, and he set the carton of eggs and package of bacon on the counter. "Would you like to help?"

Harry nodded, relaxing. "I like cooking."

The man smiled a little and said, "I don't want you touching the griddle or pan, I don't want you to burn yourself.  You can crack the eggs and whisk them. You may add whatever ingredients you like to them." He opened the package of bacon as Harry beamed and opened the eggs.

Twenty minutes later, they sat down to warm scrambled eggs, bacon, and toast. Snape took one bite of Harry's eggs and looked startled.

"Are they okay?" Harry asked worriedly.

"These are amazing," Snape promised, eyes wide. "You are a very good cook, Harry. How long have you been..."

"Um..." Harry looked down. "As soon as I could see over the counter. I only started out making breakfast, but by the time I was eight I was making all the meals and dessert."

Snape's eyes darkened, but Harry could tell he wasn't angry at him. "You said you enjoy cooking."

Harry nodded. "It's one of the few things my relatives don't complain about. And it's fun. Dudley isn't allowed to disturb me while I'm cooking. My cousin," he added when Snape gave him a curious look. "When I was younger I thought I could be a professional chef, but I wasn't sure how good I was because the Dursleys never told me. And I wasn't allowed to eat my cooking."

"What did you eat, then?" Snape asked in alarm.

"Fruit, or vegetables," Harry said quietly.

Snape took a deep breath. "Harry... I have a proposition for you."

Harry gave him a confused look.

"I have become increasingly protective over you these past few weeks," Snape said quickly, "and I have always wanted a child of my own. I was wondering if you would agree to be my adopted child."

Harry gaped at him.

"I will understand completely if you decline my offer, as it is common for abused children to find it difficult to trust adults-"

Snape broke off, because Harry had launched off of the stool and into his arms. "Yes!"

The usually dour man choked wetly and pulled Harry onto his lap.

After a long pause, Snape said quietly, "In that case... perhaps outside of class, you could call me Severus?"

Harry blinked up at Snape, frowning a little.

In the few weeks Harry had known him, the man had become something like a parent to him. He wanted to call him 'Dad.'

Maybe Snape didn't want Harry to call him that?

"What's wrong?" Snape asked.

Harry hid his face in Snape's robes. "Nothing."

"Harry," Snape said gently. "Tell me what's wrong."

"I don't want to call you Severus," Harry blurted out. "I want to call you -- I want-" Harry swallowed.

"I want to call you Dad."

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